Confusing statement in L.A. Times regarding Proposition 19?

I am confused by the following statement in a very recent L.A. Times article concerning Prop. 19:
“The initiative would allow Californians age 21 and older to grow up to 25 square feet of marijuana and possess up to an ounce.”
It seems to me if you had a garden of 25 square feet of mature plants, you would be growing (and possessing) far more than “an ounce” of marijuana.
Can this statement possibly be correct?
Use some freaking common sense. They mean you can only carry an ounce on your body out in public.
Hey I support Proposition 19 Regulate, Legalize, and Tax Cannabis Act 2010 California Why should we legalize marijuana?
Well, I could sit here for hours giving you great reasons to vote yes on 19 or plain and simple vote to legalize marijuana.
If we legalize marijuana we as in the state /county Will take the profit that our local street gangs an living off of just selling marijuana and they are living rich and wealthy in some cases. What do street gangs buy with the money the make from selling marijuana? Drugs… Guns… ,beer, they pay their bills.
Note to everyone Voting NO on Prop 19.
Street gangs, Marijuana growers/sellers and more than likely the Drug Cartles are putting. A whole of money into The NO on Prop 19 campaign so they don’t lose their Jobs and Funding. Don’t be a Fool and support these Illegal marijuana Grow ops and street gangs and so on… by criminalization of marijuana you are supplying crimals jobs tax free.
How can Ca. Prop 19 mandate that you pay state, and federal taxes, if by paying Federal taxes you will be admitting to a federal crime?