Coming Soon.

Coming Soon.

A bit of a “Whats To Come” video. Stay tuned! =) In this video we were smoking K2. It is a legal high sold as incense in most headshops around the country. It has received some bad press recently with some people even being hospitalized with seizures. In all of the instances I have read about these people have smoked copious amounts in a sitting and are experiencing an overdose. I AM NOT RECOMMENDING ANYONE TRY THIS. It is sold as incense and marked “Not For Human Consumption”, but it is sprayed with a chemical called JWH-018. A sort of synthetic THC. It acts on the brain much like THC but some people have noted some pretty negative side effects at high doses including panic attacks, heart attacks and seizures. One has to be responsible about the things they put into their bodies, realize this is an untested research chemical and if they should choose to use this product PLEASE proceed with caution. Thanks all, **Tokin**

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