cleaning a hookah help please?

cleaning a hookah help please?

i just got a mini hookah and i’v used one b4 and kind of know how to clean it
the glass base i cleaned
the little rubber pieces that r used to hold it i cleaned
and the bowl piece i cleaned
and the metal pipe that goes down into the glass base
all those were easy bc they are all one piece pieces
but i do need help w/ these
how do i clean the hose and the piece in the middle were the hose connects and were the little ball is at idk how to do that
it is a mini hookah M1501 Havana Moassel
idk if that will help but idk how to clean the other pieces any help will be greatly appreciated thank you
and this is kind of irrevelant but can i put different liquids in the hooka to get an aftertast or can i put like food coloring in it to change the color of the water bc my glass base is clear and slightyly foggy bc that would be cool if i could do that

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