” CLassiC EViLDeD ” From the Vault: Huge Kief Bong hits

Reupload of an old video
Reupload of an old video
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@RodrigoMartinez1 We couldnt care less if you could. How are you gonna try and tell someone how to smoke?? He can smoke his shit however the fuck he wants.
@arschgesicht6246 ok newbie.
@RodrigoMartinez1 why should he? you can’t be good at getting stoned
you are not that good, I can do reaaally better than this, at least fill the bowl till the limit
this bong is cheesie,go with glass on glass
@hippy4life4 rip zong
Oh man!!! Did that Zong get broken to?? Oh hell I hope not.
@walaowow thanks a lot brother!
Damn brother i remember all of these video’s! good shit from the old times, i love watching your vids and taking a hit when i got bud!
@estebonlouder thanks a lot brother!
Wow you have stronger lungs than me.. nice hit
@bedard33 thanks a lot my brother!! im glad you liked it
bong hit with a side of MILK nice hit bro
@goodbuds4me thanks my friend! Im glad you liked that milkage!
Milked that thing like a pro yo.
@b1232r 4 years
Nice milky hit, wow. From the vault, being a new sub these are new to me lol. How far back did your old channel go?
@thenumberofthebeast2 me too. i use a 4 piece grinder and it works like a charm
For me my grinder is the best method of collecting kief! Plus you dont have to worry about seeds and stems that way!
@unclecow thank you so much my awesome friend Unclecow! Much love and respect your way brother
that is classic music cool vid dude
@FULLmeltHASH fuck yea man its so stoney!
gotta love smokin pure kief!
@FatStax420 hell yea man no fatfree shit there!