Cigar vs. Marijuana vs. Hookah?
So, I’ve had people tell me that pot isn’t bad for you, but I’m not believing that. Also been told Hookah isn’t too bad for you either, not buying that either. As for cigars, I don’t see how they would be bad for you considering you don’t inhale them, but I know they can’t be good. Does anyone know the truth behind this? Of course, all of them are bad for you, but which has the least damaging effects on your body? Helpppp!
marijuana has medicinal properties, but its illegal.
hookahs filter the smoke thru the water and the long tubes so its healthier than cigarettes.
cigars can make you grow hair on the back of your tongue and give you halitosis.
all tobacco has been proven to cause cancer and other health risks. marijuana just has a bad rap.
Weed is the best out of all three. Cigars contain quite a lot of carcinogens, and can lead to mouth cancer, considering you don’t inhale. Hookah is highly debatable, is it includes many variables such as what you smoke, how long the sesh is and the quality of the pipe, and material.Returning to weed, it is impossible to OD from weed, and the great thing about the high is that you are in control of it. Now, don’t mistake that for things such as operating machinery or driving, I am talking about basic things in every-day life such as talking to parents, eating, doing homework etc… Weed also contains anti tumorous properties, and reduces the risks of head and neck cancer. Lastly, it contains the least amount of carcinogens, and if properly prepared can contain no carcinogens at all, for example if made into baked goods or drinked. Again, you should always be carful with any drug, but regarding the three you listed, weed should be the least of your worries. Cigar and hookah smoking can vary.
They’re all “bad” for you. But at least marijuana has many pros that i would say definitely outweigh the cons…& there are benefits. & there’s also this to consider: lol
That’s why it’s ultimatly ‘not’ “bad for you”. LMAO
Cigars are bad for you with no benefits at all, but hookah is the worst outta alla these cause you inhale sooooo much more smoke, & you’re breathing in soo many toxic materials along with all the tobacco smoke because of the coals used for it (especially the quick lights)….Don’t believe all the hype about the water “filtering out all the bad stuff” That’s not true at all.
First of all smoking a hookah is smoking weed so is a joint or bong or pinch hit so why separate the two. Here it is smoking is bad sure you could end up with a emphysema or cancer or copd. pot could be bad you could end up in a car crash like with beer or your could do something stupid like with beer or you could end up with a disease like with beer. The point is there is no reason on this planet why pot is illegal and alcohol isn’t besides the fact that william randolf hurst didn’t want to compete with the hemp industry since timber cost more and spread the refer madness and it was also a way to jail illegal mexicans. Plus too many americans were dying off of bad brews of alcohol during prohibition and pot is hard to mess up. But any who enough with my ranting pot should be legal and alcohol banned. But the real truth is you could be the healthiest person on the planet and end up dead at 19 like one poor kid I know who a week ago who got in a wreck with a semi or smoke 2 packs a day like my grandpa and fight the nazis and still live to be 89. Don’t worry so much and live everyday to the fullest would you.