Chubbs Answers More Question – February 7, 2011

I forgot to write down what the questions were but next time I will start posting them here in the description. – http –
I forgot to write down what the questions were but next time I will start posting them here in the description. – http –
Is this a good vap for Marijuana? How good is it and how high do you get? Read More »
It is illegal for me to buy tobacco but i want to know if i can buy rolling... Read More »
Roor wins with Ghost..Cali Connection with The Klingon #2…and Dragon Bong 3rd! Read More »
Yo Chubbs …Where is this filmed at ? Peace
you have a pretty nice house it seems like
you have a pretty nice house it seems like
you have a pretty nice house it seems like
woodysgamertag the gamer? wtf
Woodysgamertag WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol did he say WOODYSGAMERTAG?
the artist that made that last slide is josh sable. all of his slides are incredible up close. also hats off to ya chubbs for the glass collection
damn that bong slider is off the chain chubbs
Do you think you’ll ever stop smoking and switch to other means of medicating? ie: edibles, vaporizers.
Chubbs, why don’t you medicate with edibles? I know your old fashioned but they last a lot longer than smoking and have less negative health effects.
Omg woodygamertag smokes ?! that guy almost has 300,000 people subscribed to his channel. lol who would of thought
the reason he has a sewage piece is because he always smokes poop….lol just playin around, but that thing is sweet
how did you get the name Chubbs?
@STROUF1995 ahah its probably another account made by someone wtih numbers in it lol i laughed when i heard that name lamo
can u show us a pic of u when ur were 13-16 years old
is a bucket bong a gravity bong in a bucket with like a five gallon jug? haha yeah, how big is the bucket? yeah…
@geeksindahood9 If he’s a federal Agent you’re lucky he didn’t rendition your ass to a torture prison in Morocco fool! Lol.
i went swimming in catalina every summer for like 6 years never got sick cuz of it. and catalina is #1 worst beach in cali
Woody smokes??
Hey chubbs gotta real quick question. When i was smoking yesterday a cop saw me smoking and came in my house hit me in my head and took my piece. Is he allowed to do that?
@beachnikk all you could do was try and end the subject,
as if you’re too incompetent explain or collaborate.
you’re telling me water pipes are wasteful than joints.
you don’t own a good old tube, do you(and not $50 bob marley retro slider, etc)?
because that’s seriously the most flawed logic i’ve ever heard about glass vs papers, buddy.
buy yourself some nice glass,
take a couple 1/4 gram rips(IF that),
and then tell me you’ve wasted your product.
anyone else on this particular matter?
You asked me why I thought it was wasteful. Now, if you can’t discuss this without getting rude and calling names then you’ve underminded your credibility and everything you’ve previously said and all your so called statistics. So maybe your the one who’s afraid of having their ass handed to them? End of posting on this subject.