CBC: ‘Prince of Pot’ Marc Emery Sentenced To Five Years

CBC News reports on the sentencing of ‘Prince of Pot’ Marc Emery, the cannabis activist arrested in 2005 by the DEA and Canadian authorities and extradited to the United States for selling marijuana seeds on the Internet and using the money to fund legalization efforts. Marc was sentenced to 5 years in a US prison. Go to www.FREEMARC.CA to help Marc get back to Canada where he belongs!
Did you read what Marc Emery stated in his pre sentence statement!
Looks more like a collection of his friends, chicks and customers protesting. They are as dumb ass as he is working for a man that says what he just said! He turned his back on you folks!
sep 2010 ….so we looking at 2016 to legalize marijuana ?
The man stood up for what he believed in. His day of freedom will come. Hang in the Marc
It makes me sick to see the millions of dollars the DEA spent to convict this man a buisness man who never step in the US, Why don’t they go to Thailand and stop the heroin or mexico shut down the cocaine & meth. People wake up voice your thoughts we need to stop sending good tax paying citizens to prison because of a plant!
How can they call this Justice???!!! He dont belong in prison. He’s not even a criminal,
The only crime I see is the US undermining Marc’s Rights
people who are against Marijuana vcare misinformed by the lies
Marijuana is harmless and Marc Emery is NOT a criminal
Free Marc!!
Todd Greenberg looks like a dick and is one! Fuck him! Just another piece of shit in the justice system!
greenburg was such an asshole, when marc was just putting down his fists, greenburg felt the need to attack and accuse marc of causing violence in america because he “fueled the fire of marijuana grows”. the former head of the DEA said it was all a blow to the political legalization movement. i was there, i didnt understand why greenburg felt the need to be on the attack for a man who was just trying to get through the day. free marc!!!
@JodieEmery Yes, now I understand, and even if Marc can’t break the law with civil disobedience he has been so sucessful in the past and has inspired a whole new generation to fight for their rights. Whatever it takes to get Marc back home, let it be done. FREE MARC EMERY !
i cant’ believe Canada let the US bully them into robbing Marc Emery of his freedom.
Mr. Emery is a political prisoner. he tugged on superman’s cape.
@oatbuck Its just my opinion. The government lies to us every day to trick us into doing shit. Look at the war for example. Prop 19 lets the government tax and regualte weed. They want that. Imagine if it was actually legal where you didnt have to pay to grow weed like you do in prop 19. The government rode it out to the point where we will take anything they give us.
@MutantKush No way, that’s just a fantasy.
5 years, means 1/3 of that !!
“all the violence associatet with marihuanagrows” – growing plants – the most violent thing u can do
Broke the law? thats a joke, only in the states is it illegal to sell seeds, in canada he broke no law, so to put him in a canadian jail makes no sence. . . only person in canadian history to go to jail for the sail of seeds. and tommy chong has never been to jail for selling weed it was for bongs, and it was bullshit to, he had nothing to do with the company that sold the bongs.
I would love to see Todd Greenberg put in prison. It’s where he, and his fellow criminals belong. It is disgusting that our government gave Marc to the U.S. I am sick of all the lies in the name of big business.
Let’s all say goodbye to Steven Harper, before he puts another one on our children behind bars.
I really hate to say it but it looks like like it will not be long before we have an uprising in this country. The people want to be free of ridiculous laws our government puts on us. This is just BS! Free Marc and everyone else that is imprisoned for smoking pot. It looks like we have to be louder and more insane! lol
@norfolktg It means that Marc had to promise not to break the law or tell others to break the law. He won’t be allowed back home to Canada to serve his sentence if he doesn’t promise to not break the law — but his example speaks as an inspiration for everyone who learns about Marc’s life! He’s been very successful with civil disobedience (ending Sunday Shopping Ban laws, censorship of music and books, and the ban on marijuana literature/magazines/information) but can’t break the law anymore…
@Saskifried Exactly what I thought when I heard that. Fucking terrible
what do you all think that comment means ” I will never advocate civil disobedience again” as a marc emery supporter that i am this comment frightens me that our leader has given in to the system a bit… could be wrong, he might have not even said it but still what the fuck does that mean?
“…All the violence associated with marijuana grows…” That quote by the prosecutor is so fucking ironic, considering the prohibition is what causes crime and violence over marijuana.. Their war on drugs is what perpetuates criminal activity.. These fuckers know this, yet deny the truth because of the huge amounts of money they get a piece of keeping marijuana illegal.. The most vocal of all anti-marijuana supporters are people who know nothing about it, and history proves this.. Sad..
self proclaimed “prince of pot”? He didn’t call himself that first. Not feeling great about the way they are wording things here.
@oatbuck The government wants pot to be legal(so do I) so they can make money. They use problem, solution, reaction on both sides. They want the people to get enraged about this so it creates attenion and so that they get out there and vote on it.
@MutantKush Yes he will be and he already is sentenced for 5 years.
The government has nothing to do with Richard Lee and Tom Ammiano’s Proposition 19 in fact the elected officials are all speaking out against it.
This was deal worked out last year with Emery’s attorney and the DEA, he could have gotten life..
Tommy Chong never sold weed, he sold clean bongs! News can sure twist the facts. Send him back to Canada so he is not serving time in a fed max prison!