Caught smoking Marijuana at school, please help.?

Caught smoking Marijuana at school, please help.?

ok heres the deal. My friend from school got a little bit of Marijuana for us to taste and we had a few puffs of it in the bathrooms before school. All was fine until the day after when we were pulled out of class and questioned by the Dep. Principal. He said a healtth teacher walked in and identified the scent. They pulled up security footage of us walking in and out, then others walking in afterwards and waving their arms and stuff. They informed the police, and my friend was sort of panicking and he told them a name of someone who sold it to him, however that person is my friend and it was’nt him, so I told the school the truthiest truth I could, I said that my friend talked to a friend IN school and that friend apparently ORGANIZED it. I did not go with him when he got it, but I straight out told the school that I didnt want to name the person because I am truly scared of them. They found scales in my bag, I was planning to make paintballs that night, along with a couple of lighters. My police interveiw is tomorrow. What will they do? What will they say? Will they “seize” my laptop/ phone etc. Nether of us had marijuana on our possesion. I am very scared abouyt what will happen. Is the fact that my friend got it enough for it to be his problem to tell the police persons involved, or the fact that did smoke it aswell make it just as much my issue?
thank you so much lou, i dont suppose you know what would happend if i still dont say his name aswell?

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