Caring for Your Cloth Diapers- A How To Guide

Caring for Your Cloth Diapers- A How To Guide

The worry that you are going to ruin your cloth diapers is common among users. You have found the wonderful fluffy diapers and you want to keep them for a long time to come. There are some basic rules to follow when washing and using your cloth diapers to give you the best performance and longest life.

First things first, prewash.

When you get your diapers home the first thing you need to do is make them ready for use. Most cloth diapers need to be washed a full cycle before use. Knickernappies Disposanots Pocket diapers and inserts are ready to use but most other diapers are not. The natural oils of the materials need to be washed out. Hemp diapers and inserts will need to be washed 3 times separately before they are ready to be used.

Pick the right detergent

Having the right detergent will be the foundation of your diapers best performance and long life. Do not use detergents with additives such as brighteners, enzymes, and fabric softener. All these things will cause build up in your diapers.

Use the right creams

You go to change your baby and you see a small amount of redness on your baby’s bottom. Your first reaction might be to reach for the Desitin. But don’t do it! Most diaper rash creams will coat your diapers and cause repelling (they will no longer soak up the wetness). They can also do some serious staining to your diapers. Use only cloth diaper approved creams such as Northern Essence Diaper Salve.

If you follow these basic steps and rules you should have cloth diapers that last you a long time with no leaks. Remember to never use fabric softeners or other items such as creams that will build up in your diapers. Build up is a cloth diapers mortal enemy. The proper care of cloth diapers will make your diapering experience the best possible.

For more information about cloth diapers go to Sweet Infant.

I am a mother of three awesome boys. I own Sweet Infant an online baby store. I’m a cloth diapering, baby wearing, breastfeeding mama and advocate.

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