Cannabis seeds germinating.

This are the seeds I planted onn the 31st. Two of them are alredy tall enough to replant, from this little nursery pot I have. There’s alredy five of them. Everything looks good for now. I like sprouting half over the plants that Im going to keep to work on. Meaning; Twelve, if im keeping six. And as always, You know me, Smoking till my eyes a bleed.
@blazeveryday6996 have you visit my channel?? this babys are all grown and matured. drop by sometime. its been a minute since i see any activity from u. dont be a stranger. nuff respect.
long n skinny motha fuckas.. u know thats from planting the seed wrong ?? but doesnt effect the plant much ,,,
had bunch that did that on me …. jussst plant more soil on top …