cannabis hydroponic vertical grow room. Best Seed Bank Reviews, Ratings. If you are thinking of buying Marijuana Cannabis seeds you really need to check out Best Seed Bank first! all the latest Seed Bank Reviews left by real people. Archived from HG420 feb 2007 Heath Robinsons hydroponics cannabis, marijuana Vertical Grow Racks. The following are my own notes on the thread, details all together for ease of understanding, etc. Maybe it will be helpful to others. * floor plan 4 ft by 6 ft * 4ft growing height * 2 600Watt lights hung vertically side by side * 7.5 litre (2 gallon) square pots, filled with hydroton * each site is fed by an individual tube, no drippers that clog * 3 rows vertically (2 rows after changes) * 84 sites with 3 row config(56 with 2 rows by my math) * fed from a 45 gallon reservoir with a 7000 litre per hour pump * gutters catch runoff and drain to a secondary reservoir * smaller pump on float switch empties secondary reservoir into main when full * feeding : 3 times a day for 15 minutes each * achieved 1.5 grams per watt running from rooted clones (damn)
orgasm orgasm orgasm…..
man you can use a carbon filter fot the vertical grow?
or is not imposiblle with that the type of grow? looks fantastic
Sony I agree..
check out GROWRELENTLESS dotcom for the best grow systems available
@purplebui you’re stupid
Catch me sinking fat bowls just like the titantic!!
1.5 a watt is week!
Thanks for filling the gaps now I got it figured out completly I was like a puzzle missing one piece and I’ve been looking for a while….sorry about the grammer stoned=>
@krypekeeper just another hater brother who is jealous of your grow. Damn kids always talking shit
Keep growing brother
Very nice plants and setup sir
@Mr420ways My thinking exactly.
looks amazing, how much finished product did it yield ?
you bastard
yummy.. mouth watering delights
@timmytimmyo BAHAHAHA. how old are you? 12? cops have better things to do dude, chill out. smoke a bowl LOL
1.5 grams per watt!!!!! so fking sexy so fkin sexy
@timmytimmyo these grows r years old , posted on forums years ago, ppl have probably moved houses 5 times since then lol
Don’t u use soil?
lol this is so ontop. you do realise your ip addresses are all accessible by the authorities.
2:00 ♥
Hi im planning to grow the hyproponic way, but i dont have an air pump.Will this work? Will the roots rot if they dont get air? And can i use liquid nutriens in the water to feed my plants or do i need tablets and shit?
so what did you end up with dry weight ? also did you use a cool tube or did you have any issue hanging the light like that ? heat or what know what better yet what did each plant yield dry?
hey if you dont mind i was wondering what you ended up with dry weight??? its like more plants but they’re kinda smaller right . but your still fitting alot under a small area so what did you end up with? also hanging the lights like that did you have any heat issues ? it didnt look like it in the video but gotta ask they look close or did you have one of those cool tubes
love this so much
Very impressive. 3 questions please
1) What was your strain?
2) How long were you in the grow cycle?
3) How long were you in the flowerw cycle?