can you rate my yu-gi-oh dragon deck? can you help me fix it too?

can you rate my yu-gi-oh dragon deck? can you help me fix it too?

monsters x28
decoy dragon
the dragon dwelling in the cave
spear dragon
lord of d.
mirage dragon
white-horned dragon
spirit ryu
luster dragon#2
tryant dragon
lesser dragon
red-eyes b. chick
red-eyes b. dragon
red-eyes darkness dragon
luster dragon x2
winged dragon,guardian of the fortress#1 x2
masked dragon x2
baby dragon x2
blue-eyes white dragon x3
twin-headed behemoth x2

spells x21
wave-motion cannon
pot of greed
nobleman of crossout
white dragon ritual
the flute of summoning dragon
swords of revealing light
dragon’s gunfire
soul exchange
polymerization x2
premature burial
dian keto the cure master
dragon’s mirror
a wingbeat of giant dragon
heavy storm
monster reincarnation
magical mallet
mystical space typhoon
stamping destruction
ekibyo drakmord
lightning vortex
rush recklessly

traps x16
dragon’s rage
dust tornado
draining shield
sakuretsu armor
coffin seller
the dragon’s bead
cemetary bomb
call of the haunted
negate attack
ordeal of a traveler
trap hole
compulsory evacuation device
spell vanishing
mind haxorz
magic cylinder

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