can you change marijuana plants from males to females?

im growing a few marijuana plants. if a few of the plants are males, is there a way for me to turn them from males to females?
im growing a few marijuana plants. if a few of the plants are males, is there a way for me to turn them from males to females?
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Can you change yourself from a male to a female?
Read a botany book idiot.
Not as far as I am aware. Once you’ve got a plant of one sex, you’re stuck with it.
Possible solutions – grow loads of plants, therefore increasing the chances of having females.
Also, there is evidence that some species of fish have been known to change sex after the water in which they swim has been polluted with the urine of women taking the contraceptive pill, due to the hormones present. You could always try inviting round your female friends who are on the pill, give them loads of beer/water/coffee and invite them to pee in the plant pot.
Good luck!
Keep on dreaming pothead
Not as far as I know, but, females sometimes turn into males when there’s a lack of males for fertilization reasons.
I’ve seen it with me own eyes.
No. However, females can turn male, and these are called hermaphrodites, or hermies. That means the female also produces a male flower and can self-pollinate, or the flower can pollinate a crop of other females.
Stressing a seedling in the formative stages (handing too much, not a good planting, not the right nutes, nto the right light, etc.,) can stress a plant into turning male, as the sex of a plant is not determined in the seed, but as it grows.
Girls are delicate. They need to be pampered.