Can mixing oxycodone and marijuana cause visual hallucinations?

Can mixing oxycodone and marijuana cause visual hallucinations?

I was at a party and saw some peopling smoking marijuana, one of them wanting to try mixing oxycodone and marijuana because he had some left over from when had had his wisdom teeth pulled. He smoked around two joints and took two pills, but it was an unknown amount of milligrams because it was made for his height and weight by the pharmacy. He told me that mixing these drugs seemed to increase the effects of marijuana. A short while later when we were heatin’ up the BBQ he suddenly came up behind and grabbed me from behind the waist as I was tendin’ the fire and whispered so gently that I could almost not hear him “Did you know that I saw a grey cat with yellow eyes for literally one second?” By the time he said this he was no longer high, so it surprised me considering I’ve always thought he was straight as an arrow: masculine, broad shoulders, and hated gays. Anyway, does mixing oxycodone and marijuana cause visual hallucinations?
Also, if it does cause hallucinations what are the chemical reactions that cause this?

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