Can I get a job as a Pharmacy Technician at CVS with a Class B Misdemeanor for possession of marijuana?

Can I get a job as a Pharmacy Technician at CVS with a Class B Misdemeanor for possession of marijuana?

I applied about a week ago, and everything went extremely well but today he asked for me to sign a background check paper and complete a drug test. I have no problem for taking the drug test, since i’ve been clean for a year, but the background check is what’s scaring me. I told him beforehand that I have the Class B misdemeanor before signing it so he wouldn’t be “suprised” when it came up. Should I have told him, or should I have waited for him to ask me about it?

And the more important question, what’s the liklihood that I get the job?
Actually, I got arrested on March 2007, and I’ve been working at Best Buy for almost two years (i was arrested WHILE working at best buy, and still worked there for a year afterwards). My ex-manager put in a grade-A referral for me and said great things. Also, I know the district manager (the hiring manager’s boss) for this CVS, so I’m feeling somewhat confident. The only thing I’m unsure about is if they EVER allow applicants to work who have a class B or worse on their record.

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