Can I be a respected police officer in the CA bay area? (Law Enforcement Please Respond)?

PLEASE take the time to read: I have always wanted to either be a CHP or a police officer. However, I have a checkered past. I have done a lot in my life (early/mid 20’s) that I am not happy about, made the wrong choices that I live with every day; mainly drugs, hanging around with losers and hurting some people that were close to me during this phase. Nothing ever violent. My concern is my drug history. I have NO record on file for doing anything wrong other than a DUI 12 yrs ago. I am an ethical and just person (I can’t even stand it when I see someone litter). I have determined I am ready for a commitment like this and I want to make a difference. I’ve seen a lot however… I have a friend that died about a year and a half ago because of marijuana. He was a card holder, grew plants (it was determined by SFPD he was within his legal rights for this) and someone broke into his house and shot him and his girlfriend. They still don’t know who did it. I want to make a difference. I know what drugs can do to people and how it changes lives and the community. My checkered past was 8+ yrs ago but around the time my friend passed away I smoked marijuana (1.5 yrs ago). I’m not happy about it but it is what it is. Since then my view on marijuana has changed and it’s a growing problem. I’ve never been a “pothead” but I am concerned about that disqualifying me. I think my experiences, knowledge, passion; street smarts and my story of completely turning myself around could make a significant difference to a community… I can make an impact on the war on drugs. I have frequently volunteered for non profit orgs like SafePlace and Social Advocates for Youth and I have a huge support base/friends including some in law enforcement and other individuals that are making a huge impact on youth our community and communities all over the world. I have two beautiful teenage daughters. I’ve been a single dad for 5 yrs and they have lived with me. I have a corporate background in management, great credit, great refs and I am 35 yrs old. I am also back in school to get my remaining credits before l apply with a local police dept. I’m fit, I’m passionate about good health and nutrition (which I think needs to be improved on all levels for police officers because I see way too many that are overweight) and I want to make a difference. Would I be given a chance to prove I could become a good cop? Or am I disqualified? Please respond especially if you are from the bay area. I know some dept’s have different rules but I really want to work for San Jose PD.
buddy your heartfelt story aside, it all depends on the hiring standards of the department youre applying with. it depends on your answers on the oral board (if they even allow you to get to that point) and it depends on the findings of the detective assigned to investigate you prior to the job offer.
i stole, and lied, and cheated, and smoked weed and was hired just fine in one state. in another state im completely ineligible. first thing to do would be to read up on their hiring standards and see whether or not you qualify.
to add to this, you sound pretty idealistic. a job as a cop will fix that quick and proper like. it aint like the movies chief. you aint gonna make a giant impact in the war on drugs. youre gonna arrest shitbags and then turn around and arrest em again the next day. and the next day. and the next day.
i personally would recommend you stick to your corporate career field. you wont have to wash your damn hands every hour and surely the medical benefits are better.
good luck whatever you try out though.