California’s Cannabis Culture

In November 2010, Californians will be voting on whether or not to legalize marijuana for recreational use. If passed, California will become the first US state to end marijuana prohibition. This is an exploration of California’s cannabis culture. It’s the story of the people fighting for it, the people fighting against it, the people selling it, the people making it less taboo, and the people who were around when the whole scene started. *A Film By: Amanda Van West *Production Assistants: Shawnee Okada and Christina Kho For more information on the director please visit: , also known as the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010, is a California ballot proposition which will be on the November 2, 2010 California statewide ballot. It legalizes various marijuana-related activities, allows local governments to regulate these activities, permits local governments to impose and collect marijuana-related fees and taxes, and authorizes various criminal and civil penalties. In March 2010, it qualified to be on the November statewide ballot. It requires a simple majority in order to pass, and would take effect the day after the election. Yes on 19 is the official advocacy group for the initiative, and No On Proposition 19 is the official opposition group. Proponents of Proposition 19 argue that it would help with California’s budget shortfall, cut off funding to violent drug cartels, and redirect law enforcement resources to more dangerous …
yet it failed
Shame the voting results came out the way they did. Will there be a new chance? And when
@2020starman After looking at the presidential candidates for 2012 .. I have change my opinion on legal drugs .. I think Ron Paul makes the most sense .. Let each state govern they’re own laws and lets end these stupid war that the tax payers have to support Ron Paul 2012
@2020starman you need to toke up. only an insane man would say such a thing.
funny i’ve had people tried to push all sorts of drugs on me but i’ve never once budged and took any of them. i know what they do and i know that cannabis is god’s medicine for man. its been on this earth longer than we have and our own brains and bodies were built to take in cannabis as a healing agent.
Haha, former hippy.
CALIFORNIA as an example for the rest of the world?
I personally prefer the dutch policy 🙂
you knows what so damn cool? that without me knowing , i got high for the first time on 420 , and two days later my friend told me , i was like : ”maybe god wants me to be a stoner”
7:26 exactly so make it legal so there wouldnt be people trying to sell it but legit places you dumb fucking cunt faced cocksucker
that anti weed dude is a lil bitch! that doesn’t know anything
nice film
legalize bud in colorado 2012
PEOPLE>>>>ITS A FUCKING PLANT! And RON most of the meat you eat isnt FDA approved!
Ron Kirkish, you are an idiot, but if you’re right about cannabis then does making it illegal stop people from using it? No, it just funds the black market, and gives criminal gangs great opportunities.
awww yes!
@RigorMortisi More so than the FDA. Fuck the DEA man!
keep the comments coming! glad to see this is still sparking debate, even after prop. 19 failed to pass!
thats jus it natural smell lady 😉
fuck the FDA if u read the shit thats in our food if u know the crap that they approve for us to eat and take into out bodies then you would know that its just another form of control. i think its funny how they could only find the one guy to protest and he barely said anything sensible. it dont matter if u legalize it or not, ppl arw still gonna pack a bowl nd pass it around, fuck the FDA
ron kirkish should get a life. Some one please blow this government paid sheeps head off. He dont know jack shit tite ass piece of shit. He uses his opinion to oppress other peoples right to smoke it. Keep your opinions to yourself dipshit no one cares how much you hate marijuana. We hate you for trying to control people because of your shit opinion on the situation. This guy loves the idea of controlling people and government taking care of him. Maybe he should move to china or russia.
@2020starman Oh really? is that a proven fact? everyone who smokes weed is automatically a terrorist? this is fascinating news. So if you smoke marijuana you’ll have uncontrollable urges to go out and cause terror?
Sir, you are truly ignorant if you believe that. Marijuana is a beautiful gift from the heavens. It helps treat over 200 ailments and makes people feel really really really good without causing anything more serious then a smokers cough.
fuck u fuck u fuck u fuck u!!!! the old fucking bag anti pot activist its peolpe like him that ruin the fun
@gentleterminator is already allow you can buy any time ….. if you have money nooooooooo problem
Far from “old” countries as France and many others !
If people could grow their own drug dealers would be out of business right?I was a farmer in the past.You’d know what your smoking.I truly believe drug lords have more cash than our government.Don’t they?I believe our government is not truthful.The weed dealers are the ones who lose out big time if it was legal.So keep it illegal and help the dealers out….thats what were doing
Marijuana should be legal across our nation.I have been on Vicodin for 6 years.Eventually the acetaminophen eats your liver.It doesn’t work as well as even a couple small 4 tokes of weed.The drug war is lost.The guy with the hat with the eagle is wrong.Who will actually pay tax on it?I wont!!!When the war first started there were many commercials on TV in the USA about how weed smokers are paying for the war.That is bull too.More propaganda from our government like reefer madness.Grow our own!!!