California Marijuana Legalization Debate Gets Interesting

“Representatives” of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition and the drug war go at it about California’s Tax 2010 Proposition 19
“Representatives” of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition and the drug war go at it about California’s Tax 2010 Proposition 19
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Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
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@thepolice911copeland Wow, put the bong down for a sec. Brief time of violence? What if that was your kid or your sister shot dead? Decades of “instability? WTF are you talking about? You must have the mind-set of “if you can’t beat ’em join ’em”. The US is pretty damned stable, it’s Mexico that’s on the threshold of collapse. Hmmm, why? Violence, bribery, and coercion. Perhaps you think all drugs should be legalized….then you can depend on instability.
@DickLodge68 but the brief time of violence would be alot easier than decades and decades of instability and yes i do look at prohibition it looked fine if we dont learn from the past we are doomed to repeat it
What pisses me off about this video is the child-like music being played. If you don’t agree with this, then you must be a moron. It’s insulting how far the elitist “progressives” go to make their point.
@thepolice911copeland Hey, I’m certainly no authority on the subject…are you? Didn’t think so. But I am old enough to know better and the cartels wouldn’t simply “roll over”. You don’t simply cut-off a huge amount of their money and don’t pay for it through violence, bribery, and coercion. If you think that it would be a clean transition from an illegal substance to a legal one – you are insane. It’s just my opinion…something to ponder.
@DickLodge68 If we make pot as safe to buy as alcohol the drug cartels would have no business…no one would buy pot from drug dealers and what would drug cartels do? Honestly without the demand for pot they have no power look at the facts and make a logical decision
legalize in 2012!
This is simply ridiculous. For years people have said “the war on drugs doesn’t work”. How do you know that? Even if you legalized and taxed mary jane, do you really think the Mexican cartels would simply oblige to that? You are insane to think so. What it would do is force the Mexican cartels to simply buy off the Gov’t, the power-greedy “representatives” that we have. Oh, that’s just a great idea! Mexico is a shit-hole and the only thing keeping them afloat is our tourism and their drug trade
@N7eightyeight Hahaa, just like it’s hard for AZ to enforce illegal immigration laws…the ones the the federal government won’t enforce.
“Make the most you can of the Indian Hemp seed and sow it everywhere.”
– George Washington
“Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth & protection of the country.”
– Thomas Jefferson
“I enjoy smoking cannabis and see no harm in it”.
– Jennifer Aniston
“Even if one takes every reefer madness allegation of the prohibitionists at face value, marijuana prohibition has done far more harm to far more people than marijuana ever could.”
– William F. Buckley
Guys, take a second look at the proposition. There are statements in there that make it hard to enforce federal law.
Im a bit disapointed, it was a very unwise move not to legalize it. I think if state law of california unbanned and taxed marijuana, california would have a multi-million dollar industry. It is sad some people think keeping it illegal think its fighting drug dealers, but its only helping them. The black market of drugs would be hit crucially if not if just marijuana got decriminalized and taxed, but if all drugs were to be legalized and taxed, the black market will crumble.
@ad356 Yes I know people do. But these people would come into work high/drunk whether it was legal or illegal. I agree, the few times i have smoked marijuana it hardly affected me. Its not nearly as bad as alcohol, in my opinion. Its time to legalize it.
You will have mandatory drug testing statewide as an OSHA standard because worker’s compensation liability insurance companies will require it.
Marijuana stays in your system how long???
Checkmate. You are fucked…
actaully, i work in a factory and plenty of people come to work drunk, high, and genrally messed up. often times it is legally available prescription pills and legal booze that they come to work messed up on. the people that come to work high on marijuana can still function, i know who these people are. i dont condone it, but genrally people that are high can still function. punish those that come to work messed up, not people that use it at home.
The stupid liberals keep feeding the IRS monster.
Do they really think taxing marijuana will not get attention from the IRS?
Do they really think worker’s compensation liability insurance, OSHA, auto insurance and tax audits aren’t going to be a factor here?
Obama just hired an army of IRS agents for this reason.
Wait until the IRS requires retailers and non-profits to scan their identification wherever this is sold. All that information will no longer be private…
vote yes for the rest of the country.everyone whats there bud.if you live in cali please go on nov.2 and vote yes
I’m voting YES too. Five years ago, I would’ve voted NO. But I realize that there are too many people being arrested for a “crime” that they commit against themselves. If they want to smoke this crap in the privacy of their homes, it doesn’t affect me. So go ahead and let them do it. Personally, I can’t stand the smell of marijuana. I hate it. But I don’t see why I should spoil the party for other people who like it.
@billieholiday42 No on your face.
@spiderman292007 Yes if they legalize it everyone is goning to start coming to work high as a kite. You fucktard. Do people come to work drunk now? No, they don’t.
Responsible people won’t randomly start coming to work high. Only irresponsible people would come to work high, and they would do it whether pot was legal or illegal.
Learn the facts please and thank you.
the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over over over and again expecting the same results…seems like americas pot policy to me
@billieholiday42 if that is true why isnt there such thing as an alcohol free workplace? i know people who drink on the job and drink before? and they mess up 10x harder then when i smoke on the job…if somebody messed up and caused a problem THEN there should be testing…alcohol is more of a drug…thats like calling a spruce tree a drug
Both sides of the issue are liars.
It is a fruit of the earth anyone should be able to grow and harvest freely.
This is just a attempt to takeover your freedom by the gangsters in government.
Notice they won’t just erase all the laws on marijuana!
Everything about this is good for our country.. why keep our country in a shithole and change nothing.
Im Actually going to donate some money to it! This is a Vote that could make history and fix many problems in this society