California: Marijuana Debate Heating Up

California: Marijuana Debate Heating Up
California: Marijuana Debate Heating Up
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
I’d prefer my kids to smoke pot than to drink.
In saying that, there also needs to be an education along side to prevent people from losing their motivation and drive.
The main danger of marijuana I would argue is the ability to be ok with being bored or having nothing to do, which is cool sometimes when you need to relax, couple times a week maybe, but not every day. But everyone goes through that phase.
What kind of message would legalization send to kids? Hard drugs, alcohol, and pharmaceuticals are bad, cannabis is the sensible choice. I would prefer my son chose pot if it were legal, it’s far safer.
When it is legal pot farmers won’t need guns and they won’t need to hide in the National Forest lands. They will grow it right next to their tomatoes and brussel sprouts. One half of the money for the Mexican drug cartels comes from marijuana, legalization wil take that money away from them and give it to legitimate farmers. This is about personal freedom and reducing crime.
increase the ability for children to get weed? HA! its so much easyer to buy weed when your under 21 than it is to buy alcohal under age. puting an age limit on it would make it HARDER.
@drothreign u can always get out of jury duty
I wish I could vote yes on this but I don’t want jury duty.
so fuckin stupid no reason why weed shouldnt be legal kids day almost everyday from beer and liqour almost 90& of kids under 21 are active drinkers and thats BEFORE college. They still allow people over the age of 65 to drive thats basically drivin buzzed.
Really no medical value? Fuck you faggots it’s gonna pass and when the rest of the country sees that your all liers it’s gonna legalize it everywhere.
“law enforcement agencies speak out againts legalisation”
“harm & risk” what does the “Campaign against marijuana” guy mean, please?
what kind of message for kids?
well, yeah kids, we let you and your parents die from cancer while criminalising the cure (hashoil)…
ingesting harmful chemicals? no medical value? what does this kind of “law enforcement” even know about chemistry, pharmacology and medical issues?
Cannabinoids have a huge medical potential of course… look up “cannabinoids”!