California made medical marijuana legal. There’s a federal law against it. Vendors attempting to sell it . . .

California made medical marijuana legal. There’s a federal law against it. Vendors attempting to sell it . . .

. . . have been arrested and/or shut down.


The answer is that only those who have a contract with the federal government are subject to federal law. Every corporation or licensed retailer has a contract with the federal government or subsidiary of the federal government, and therefore, cannot legally sell marijuana to those with a Dr’s prescription.

Also, those with a prescription who have a contract with the fed cannot legally buy it.

The supreme law of the land is the Constitution, but you can voluntarily give up constitutional rights by contract, and most people have.

I guess the question is “Do you agree?”.
dsanthony: you have caught me in a mis-statement. I should have said only those with a contract with the federal government are subject to federal codes, legislation, rules and/or statutes. The supreme law of the land does affect all of us.

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