California made medical marijuana legal. There’s a federal law against it. Vendors attempting to sell it . . .

. . . have been arrested and/or shut down.
The answer is that only those who have a contract with the federal government are subject to federal law. Every corporation or licensed retailer has a contract with the federal government or subsidiary of the federal government, and therefore, cannot legally sell marijuana to those with a Dr’s prescription.
Also, those with a prescription who have a contract with the fed cannot legally buy it.
The supreme law of the land is the Constitution, but you can voluntarily give up constitutional rights by contract, and most people have.
I guess the question is “Do you agree?”.
dsanthony: you have caught me in a mis-statement. I should have said only those with a contract with the federal government are subject to federal codes, legislation, rules and/or statutes. The supreme law of the land does affect all of us.
Still to be decided by the Supreme Court, the jury is still out.
Federal anti-marijuana laws are outdated and were initially based on misinformation but they are still the law. States do not have the authority to make laws which defy federal law.
I think that law is wacky. You either outlaw it or you don’t! As long as it is not legal to sell in the streets then I dont see what the problem is really.
if they know what they’re doing, yes i agree, the problem is, when you give something up without knowing what you’re losing…you’re cheated out of what rights you had.
No, I do not agree with you. That just isn’t how it works and you need to do more research. However, those that have been prescribed medicinal marijuana CAN purchase it legally. They must place their orders in Mexico, Canada, or another country who distributes medicinal marijuana. They may also grow their own, but there is a limit on the amount they may have. Marijuana grows naturally in many parts of USA, and in almost every single state. I suggest that the person with the prescription go out and harvest some on their own. You can grow it from seed or from trimmings.
The age old battle of state vs. federal government. Every year there are raids and every year the law stands in California… so I guess unless California secedes from the union this battle will rage and Drs will continue to prescribe it…So who wins? In this case it seems to be the patient…
The federal law overrides any law written by any state or local government, so no matter how yuo vote on local issues, if it violates federal laws, you just wasted your time by voting.
If one were to really research the matter, I think you will find that the growing of marijuana is so simple, that the government is at a loss as the method to tax it, and have complete control over it’s production, therefor, it’s illegal.
Money my friend, money, and control.
Here in Los Angeles there are hundreds of sellers of Medical Marijuana that operate out of typical store fronts. The Feds raid them occasionally and take all the weed, but nobody has served any jail time, as far as I know. Now in CA, if you get busted with under a pound, all you get is a ticket. Within 30 years it will be totally legal everywhere, because the kids from the 60s will be the old folks, and their kids and grandkids will agree with them that pot should be legal.
“Only those who have a contract with the federal government are subject to federal law?” Where do you get that idea? Every person on US soil is subject to federal law.
This is a silly attempt by some activists to promote legalization of MJ. It’s doomed to fail. The federal government supercedes any state or local authority. It is against federal law to sell mj or other illegal drugs. No state or city has the power to overthrow that law.
There may be some rare instances where MJ is legally prescribed. I’m not aware of any.
The whole argument is false. Most cities and states have basically de-criminalized possession of small amounts of mj. That is, it is technically illegal, but the punishment is mild, unless it is tied to another crime. People in CA can buy MJ from many places, and hundreds of thousands (probably millions) of people do. This setting up of clinics to distribute MJ is a purely political stunt to push for legalization.
Too many grey areas that bog down our court system. One agency works against the other. All I know is I went to Northern Cal & under the prescription ideal saw more pot plants than 30 plus years living in Hawaii. Dude, the prrps and the big connects from the way North… families and generations of growers!!! All while the local cops & community endorses it’s revenue as if it was a corn crop. That’s crazy in my book. What they are finding now is that the ICE addicts want a piece of the pie and violence is up 100%.
“Every corporation or licensed retailer has a contract with the federal government” – That is absolutely untrue. Corporations are filed at the state level, the only thing the Federal government does is collect taxes.
Here’s the catch to that. The only people who will actively seek you for possessing pot is the Federal government. The State has already said medical marijuana is okay, so they won’t be the ones coming after you.
The Feds have much more to do than bust some guy smoking reefer who has cancer.
i have a house in Cali and my friends grow for the club they pay taxes and have a state permit the feds tried to raid but the local cops stood in the way they parked their cars to at end of driveway and video taped what the feds were doing it was enough to make them stop for now and start a legal battle with the local cops who will tie it up it court for a long’s the 1 st time i have seen county officers stand up to the feds it was great
it is making a lot of revenue for local law enforcement with the taxes to the point that alot of people are doing it just get registered the local officials wont release the list of people with permits so far so it is working.