Buying The Perfect Bong

Smoking a water pipe is dead easy – and those who like smoking medical marijuana may find that a water pipe is their method of choice when it comes smoking. A bong comprises of a couple of fundamental pieces – at the bong’s base there’s a chamber, it’s the place where the water is placed in order to filter some of the harsher chemicals from the smoke to make it cleaner on the lungs and healthier too. The next part of making the pipe is the stem – which is a piece of tubing commonly made of steel that transports the smoke from the pipe’s chamber over to the cone piece.Water Pipes can be found in a variety of different types – some of which include ceramic bongs, glass bongs and acrylic bongs to name a couple. These are available in a wide range of sizes, designs, shapes and colors that run from the very inexpensive to the bongs that cost quite a lot. Pipes can be for sale and purchased in headshops or online bong shops. Glass bongs are usually the best tasting bongs and also tend to have the most impressive appearance whilst acrylic pipes are wonderful for those that are on a budget and want something that is unbreakable. Ceramic bongs are fantastic as well and are available in a wide variety of exciting designs. Another interesting and popular type of pipe includes the double chamber bong – very similar to a standard pipe but with a 2nd chamber, this allows for a clearer and nicer tasting inhale. A few of the top brand bong names include EHLE, RooR, G-Spot and Weed Star which produce super high quality pipes made of thick, unbreakable glass that gives some of the best smoking experiences around.It’s also simple to make your own home job bongs from common everyday things that you probably already have lying around the house – and whilst these may not be as sturdy or as high quality they will still work great and make for a good portable or disposable pipe. Mostly all that one needs is a bottle, a cone piece and a hose piece and it’s then as easy as setting it up.
Jacob has been smoking bongs for many years and particularly favors his RooR pipes.