buy pot seed buy legal marijuana online growing marijuana inside Check out this link now if you want to learn more about growing weed or buy the best weed seeds available anywhere! This is where I go to buy all of my cannabis seeds dope weed drying weed plants durban poison indoor durban poison seed early misty marijuana easiest…
@Smuck3rzOriginal365 me to but i dont no if there legit
does this ship to america someone rply plz.
does anyone know a really good sight were i could get some good seeds?!
plz reply
@Smuck3rzOriginal365 w w w (dot)weedseedshop(dot)com
its like their making crack or something! lol
Really Im Looking For a Good Site In Order to Buy Seeds! Hehe Trying to get loaded!..=)
people in the US almost neve get there seeds from theese guys. MAD COMPLAINTS
thx …awesome video…