Brian Doherty Explains The Failure of Prop 19 and What it Means for the Future of Pot Legalization

In the 2010 election, California voters rejected Proposition 19, which would have legalized the possession and sale of marijuana in the state. Reason Senior Editor Brian Doherty explains to why Prop. 19 lost, and says that despite electoral defeat, the proposition actually resulted in a number of victories for the legalization movement. Doherty also explains why he believes legalization is inevitable in the next four to six years. Approximately 5 minutes. Produced by Zach Weissmueller and Alex Manning. Edited by Manning. Go to for HD, iPod and audio versions of this video and subscribe to’s YouTube channel to receive automatic notification when new material goes live.
@SirWinstonChurchill Because one day they will be older?
18-20 year olds cannot smoke it with Prop. 19… why the hell should they support it?
thanks uninformed california voters! if this would have passed, i’d be out of business with my little collective, co-op, but thanks to Reefer Madness mentalities i am still going to make a shit load of money again this year!
again i thank all of you California voters!
@tobynsaunders look at minimum wage…. many more cons than pros by the way
Weed is to rock’n’roll as beer is to baseball!
the drug is you hypocrit!
Weed is to rock’n’roll as beer is to baseball!
No legislation about employer/employee relations?! No minimum wage? What a terrible idea! Pot should be legal, but my word, what an anarchist this guy is!
He’s overly optimistic. Twenty four year old pot smokers become forty year old social conservatives. I see it around me being a 52 year old who no longer smokes, but in my case, a libertarian who supports legalization.
All the same, the “owners” aren’t going to let it happen. It will put too much a dent in their control armor to be allowed.
If you manufacture potato chips or doritos, it’s a cash cow.
@MrLeadchunker look up run from the cure on youtube..hash oil is the dnt smoke simply put in on your gums..if you have a cancer wart..put some hash oil on a bandage and put it on the infected area..and it will be gone in a few weeks..THC is something else that just doesnt get you high..
@brothachand Couldn’t agree more, except for the part about curing cancer, I know it can help in the treatment but it is not a cure to my knowledge.
@MrLeadchunker well the way i look at it is that prohibition is a complete HUGE violation towards your natural rights of being a human beings..this isnt up to the people of this nation because alot of them are too blinded and still believe in the refer madness bullshyte..all i know is cannabis can cure cancer…thats insane..and the sister plant hemp..can be made into almost anything and everything..legalize it already
It’s extremely hypocritical that you can go to any grocery store and purchase alcohol, drink it, then go home and beat your wife and kids. But you can’t legally smoke a bowl or two and chill out.
This guy looks absolutely hilarious in the video thumbnail.
The people voted. Prop 19 didn’t pass. It’s pretty annoying when people keep pointing to a movie made 70 years ago as the reason people don’t want it legalized.
@CaitiffFTW Sure thing, thanks again.
@MrLeadchunker You’re quite welcome. It’s a damn shame that your “point” has no validity, of any kind, in this discussion.
And, to equate “the right to get high” to basic human issues, such as equality, is completely idiotic. There’s no inequality in this law. Having pot is illegal. Period. If the point of contention is about how well that law is applied, then that’s a completely different debate. This is not, in any way, a civil rights issue. So, your “point” is completely moot.
@CaitiffFTW Thank you for making my point for me.
@CaitiffFTW You seem to be under this false notion that America is a democracy. It’s not. The United States of America is a Representative Republic. Good thing, too. Because, if every proposed change in the law went up for a general election, general elections would have to be held daily.
@MrLeadchunker And, I’m trying to make a point that a general election wasn’t needed. You see, representatives are elected, to represent the people in a particular area. Those representatives, who were, at the time, all male, voted, in proxy for their constituents, for women’s suffrage.
If you want weed to have the same status as women’s suffrage, then you’re going to need a Constitutional Amendment, which will NOT be placed into the hands of the public. It will be voted on by representatives.
@brothachand That is what I am saying, but what I am also saying is that the general public should not have to vote to aquire rights, freedom rarely wins elections when politicians are to cowardly to stand up for liberty. Why should a heterosexual christian couple get a vote on whether or not a gay couple should have the right to married, acquire property together and make end of life decisions for one another?
@CaitiffFTW Again I asked you when did the people of this country vote on the 19th Amendment?
@MrLeadchunker You’re right, of course. The 19th Amendment just plain didn’t happen. Oh, wait…. It did.
@CaitiffFTW oooooops lol…fuck it…he should have said wat i said than lol..but he is right too