Billionaire Soros gives $1 million to marijuana legalization campaign in CA

The billionaire activist George Soros has given the yes on proposition 19 campaign (the proposition that would legalize the sale and possession of small amounts of marijuana in California) $1 million. The proposition 19 campaign has seen surprisingly small amounts of money donated to both sides, so Soros’ contribution could make a significant difference with a week until election day, November 2. Read the full story here: Join The Daily Conversation on Facebook Follow our Tweets for new videos The background image is from Flickr’s creative commons license and is used under the full legal protection of ‘fair use’ and can be found through the following link:
@XAlexmotoX Actually there are mild withdrawal symptoms but they are very mild.Im on your side though.
Gateway theory does work as an argument. It’s a reality how that happens…
@3martijns Sorry if my comment was a bit nasty, i was a little drunk. If i was stoned i would have been a lot more polite.
@adamdude58 Yea i agree with you. After a heavy smoking session it can make you feel “burnt out”. However studies have shown that being high does not decrease work or productivity. A few times i have been higher than a kite while working on my parents farm (im 16), and i didn’t feel weak, tired or exhausted at all. Other times i have been blazed and just like to chill out and play video games, and that makes me really tired. I guess it just depends on the mood you are in and how high you are.
From more than 2 years of seeing YT comments, the Obvious conclusion is that the Younger a person is, the More Naive, Gullible, Ignorant, Brainwashed, and Nastier.
And If they are Also Stoned, they Will be Easy Pickings for Soros.
That IS his PLAN.
@XAlexmotoX Your right man i agree with everyhing you say to a t, but smoking TOO much pot can make you temporarily weak and exausted, I know because i smoked my bong for the first time in many days today and ive consumed too much weed, im tired and i dont want to go anywhere, except sit right here and blaze more
@3martijns The gateway theory is a fucking joke, its been disproven so many times. No, marijuana is not physically addictive (there are no withdrawl symptoms). Lassitude? Smoking pot doesnt make you weary and weak/exhausted. Everything else you listed is a product/result of prohibition.
1. Shove that propaganda bullshit right back up your arse where it belongs
2. Open your mind, do some research, educate yourself etc, etc, etc…
Key Phrase: ‘USED to smoke pot’.
@3martijns YES!! your sooooo right! I used to smoke pot and now i’m successful, married to a beautiful wife and starting a family! Damn you pot you ruined my life!!!
Pot is a gateway drug, can cause Addiction, Job Loss, Lassitude, Family Breakdown, etc. etc. etc..
@3martijns It is called freedom. Prohibition has never worked. Think alcohol and tobacco. Science says they are way more addictive, worse for your health (besides a couple of beers or a glass of wine) than smoking a couple of joints throughout the day. If you factor in violence, alcohol wins hands down everytime. Car crashes, alcohol wins again. Common sense says we need to vote armed with the facts. People who hurt other people are the people who our police need to be focused on.
@soiled hey come to philly. all you get is a ticket if caught. no jail time for personal use. we are very laid back and welcome all.
good stuff… it’s 2010 people, lets wrap this up and smoke some dope!… plus, imagine the money the Govt will save if weed is legal.
@3martijns Careful. Your straw man is showing.
I always knew Soros was smoking something but I always thought it was crack!
It is just part of the Socialist/Communist ‘utopia’ to Enable Opiates for the Masses, so they will Not Care as much when their lives are Ruined by Massive Taxes and Much Lower standard of living.
I went to a wedding and while in the bathroom stall overheard two guys like this talking about a girl. One planned to get her stoned to see if she would lose her inhibitions and perform oral sex on, and was asking the other for one of his high-grade joints. Soros is simply doing the same thing to California.
These guys ought to lay off the weed..they don’t seem like they can spare the brain cells.
@ImaginarySkyfriend Soros almost always donates money to issues that are either neutral to his personal interest or against his favor.
@conky111 I just went to a pain specialist in Texas for the first time. New law, as of Sept 2010 if you test positive for marijuana you cannot get any pain medication and you will be black listed, but I can drink and pop pills all I want.
Texas sucks.
I love Soros.
It’s nice that we have someone like Soros on the left, since it seems most billionaires only donate to conservative causes.
I disagree with Soros on many issues, but his reasons for legalization of marijuana makes very very good sense. Shame on our elected public servants for not doing more to push this through. Personally I think they are being greased by the drug cartels through Political Action Committees to keep it illegal. Think about it.
Legalize!!!……….There has NEVER been an Overdose….Try to find one