Ready to go around the world in 80 jays? Better pick up a copy of Global Grow 2010, the latest special collectors edition of The Best of HIGH TIMES. Start your ganja journey in pot paradise, with a tour of Hawaiis best medical marijuana gardens, followed by once in a lifetime trips to visit Amsterdams top seed breeders, Spains best growers, the African herbsmen of Ethiopa and Sierra Leon, the masked marijuanos of Mexico, the hashmaking outlaws of Khazekstan, the massive pot partiers of Nimbin, Australia, and the secret cannabis cultivators of communist Cuba! Plus, international pix of the crop from real readers like you, an exclusive excerpt from the Official HIGH TIMES Pot Smokers Handbook, and a Blackberry Kush centerfold strong enough to stone the whole wide world! All in HIGH TIMES Global Grow 2010, on newsstands now!!! http http
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learn about my cross Country trip to gather signatures for the IMMEDIATE RE-LEGALIZATION OF CANNABIS AS IT PERTAINS TO OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.
Join me in restoring our Freedoms
sign my petition, make a stand.
60% of drug cartel $ comes from pot, legalize it, save our trees With hemp, boost the economy, help reduce the violence on our boarders, let us restore the freedoms that have been taken away.
why buy a magazine which kills trees and produces harmful toxins to create it ship it and store it thats why the internet is ingenious
Cheers, shows you how long its been since i read High Times!
@westie420uk You can download our magazine online now and we haven’t had a fake pot ad in the mag for about a year now.
Check out samples of the digital edition magazine on our website.
Not read High Times since the Frances McDormand issue. Its hard to get hold of in the UK plus the fake weed adverts drive you crazy. Gonna try get my hands on this issue though.
i already have this its very good issue
you need a scratch and sniff in there
You guys have an amazing magazine, not just cause its mostly about weed ( i love weeeeeeed) lol, but yea, its respected. I shalllll buyyyy
@xxmarleykidxx if your looking for something new dont buy it , its just a bunch of best stories from back- issues , but there is a bunch of new COOL SHIT , buy it if u can find it , the news stand i was at only had ONE LEFT its a collectors
i will seriously consider purchasing this product
My mouth is watering
weed fo sho
damn! i love weed and hightimes magazine!!!!!