best deals on a mini hookah?

I’m looking to buy my first hookah. Preferably one thats only 9-12 inches.
A mini-hookah if you will.
Best websites that give the best package deals or just overall cheap hookah??
I’m looking to buy my first hookah. Preferably one thats only 9-12 inches.
A mini-hookah if you will.
Best websites that give the best package deals or just overall cheap hookah??
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No worries! Okay the best package deal you can get and the best mini hookahs you can get are these, hands down:
Mya Picollo
This little dream is my new favorite, I swap between this and the Bambino a lot!
Mya Bambino
This bad boy is Epic and I use it at my computer desk all the time.
Mya Razo
Super Smoke and almost impossible to tip over!
Mya Nou Nou
I know tons of people that have bought this strictly on looks and it keeps up with all other Mya’s.
Econo Mya QT
The stems are aluminum instead of brass, they still smoke the same, but the stems are much lighter.
Save yourself some trouble and stay away from Pumpkin Hookahs.
Hey! :]
So if you’re looking for a mini hookah, PLEASE dont go buy yourself a cheapie chinese one. They’ll rust on you, they smoke badly.. just go with a quality MYA. they smoke like champs for being so little.
Try this :
It’s a MYA QT, Coals, and Shisha for 52.99. Mind you, thats effing amazing.
But, if you’re really going for aesthetics, try the MYA Diva or Bambino. They all smoke the same, it’s all about what you think looks more appealing.
Try going here : . They’ve got lots of reviews so that if something is a piece of crap, they’ll tell you.
Here’s the general Hookah Review Page
Hope i helped!