Are you shopping for a replica watch? I’m sure that you have come across many sites stating that they have the best watches in the market. You may have even gone ahead and bought one of those “best replica watches” and turned out that you have paid a fortune for something that is worth $30 bucks. Or have paid a good amount of money for something that worked for a few days and in the end wound up either in a drawer or in the garbage can. There are many sites out there also stating that they are selling real Swiss replica watches for over $800usd stating that the mechanism is actually the real Swiss 7750 automatic (used for chronograph watches). BULLSHIT!!! These sites are actually selling the same exact watches found on for double and triple the price! Whoever tells you that they will be sending you a watch that has the Swiss 7750 or the 7753 is just lying to you and trying to sucker you out of your money. If you don’t believe me send me an email and I will prove to you that a site stating that they sell Swiss mechanism watches has the same pictures as we do since they get from the same manufacturer the same exact watches we sell! In actuality what they will be sending you is a watch that is made of 316 stainless steel, has sapphire crystal glass and carries the Asian 7750 movement (the exact copy of the Swiss 7750). As far as watches without chronographs go, but do actually have Swiss mechanisms inside, you can find a huge variety at Watches without chronographs use an actual Swiss ETA 2836 movement, which is not a very expensive mechanism but very very dependable. Another very important thing to know when buying a replica watch is that 99.9% of replicas are manufactured in China. Whether they are named Asian, Japanese, Swiss, Italian or whatever other name they can think of using. NO REPLICA WATCH IS MANUFACTURED IN SWITZERLAND OR IN ITALY OR ANYWHERE ELSE OTHER THAN CHINA! So don’t be fooled in believing that you will be getting a better quality watch because the website uses a “fancy” and more “dependable” sounding country of origin. We at have done extensive research in finding the highest quality replica watches in the market. Trial an error has led us to weed out all the trash and give us the ability to bring you top quality, dependable replica watches. If you have any questions about this article or any other question about replica watches please feel free to contact us via our contact link in our site. Always remember that sites are looking for suckers! Just do your research properly before actually becoming a victim.