CBS reports “State legislator Tom Ammaino is reviving the debate about legalizing marijuana as a way of raising money for cash=strapped stateand local governments”
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
If Marijuana is made legal crime rates will be lowered. I use it but i don’t over use it. That is just me. I don’t do cocaine or crack. Just Marijuana. When I do use it I’m eighter playing a sport like basketball soccer or football. Just have fun. Find peace and love. Don’t do anything stupid that would get you in trouble like fighting or robbing. Just have fun and chill.
i’m not from cali but hey, legal or not, they’re gonna smoke if they want to… legalizing it would add some “tax” which makes it expensive… If I were to answer this question I guess i’ll keep it illegal and grow my own in my own closet or basement…
Fuck the stupid “government” their just humans thinking their powerful than us..the day is coming when the PEOPLE are going to vote for our president…not those people that think who the president is good for..when the PEOPLE is going to shut this “government” down. And when the people will say Fuck you and keep smoking weed without all this bullshit in this video.Go put a damn middle classmen and then their will be a REAL CHANGE.Now i will shut my laptop.. smoke and finish writing my song.
its like we want weed legal and now all of a sudden
the goverment “cares about our health” and says its harmful
so its crazy to make it legal
not like its friends
sugar, cafeine, msg, and alchol
good ol stimulants
Prohibition is against the constitution. It harms society more than drugs do alone. Just compare drug related deaths (except tobacco and alcool . these two alone kill more than all the other drugs) with crime related deaths, prision money, corruption among law enforcement, corruption in politics. Well… I’m not gonna say the numbers, but surely you can find them If you don’t believe me. All the money that could be made and used to fund better schools and the healthcare system.
These politicians dont give a fuck about anythin but themselves…If this was to become legal we would be out of the slump not only would there be a lower crime rate on the drug area but people wont be commiting serious crimes for money because jobs will be WIDE OPEN and people can get GOOD legal money instead of selling crack or robbing people
who gives a damn fuck if weed is legalized or not. we can all still get blazed and enjoy peace. weed is very easy to get, common this is the U.S, the world largest drug consumer
If Marijuana is made legal crime rates will be lowered. I use it but i don’t over use it. That is just me. I don’t do cocaine or crack. Just Marijuana. When I do use it I’m eighter playing a sport like basketball soccer or football. Just have fun. Find peace and love. Don’t do anything stupid that would get you in trouble like fighting or robbing. Just have fun and chill.
This Guy looks like the BTK Killer lol!..
Wait, so if I buy and ounce I have to pay $50 in taxes?
i’m not from cali but hey, legal or not, they’re gonna smoke if they want to… legalizing it would add some “tax” which makes it expensive… If I were to answer this question I guess i’ll keep it illegal and grow my own in my own closet or basement…
Fuck the stupid “government” their just humans thinking their powerful than us..the day is coming when the PEOPLE are going to vote for our president…not those people that think who the president is good for..when the PEOPLE is going to shut this “government” down. And when the people will say Fuck you and keep smoking weed without all this bullshit in this video.Go put a damn middle classmen and then their will be a REAL CHANGE.Now i will shut my laptop.. smoke and finish writing my song.
are you kidding me schwarzenegger theres a viral video of you smoking weed on youtube. let’s be serious
if they fully legalize it, the california population will encrase a lot, but i don’t see a problem on that. one love!
its like we want weed legal and now all of a sudden
the goverment “cares about our health” and says its harmful
so its crazy to make it legal
not like its friends
sugar, cafeine, msg, and alchol
good ol stimulants
well i guess CBS only has so much stock video of people handling weed!
Prohibition is against the constitution. It harms society more than drugs do alone. Just compare drug related deaths (except tobacco and alcool . these two alone kill more than all the other drugs) with crime related deaths, prision money, corruption among law enforcement, corruption in politics. Well… I’m not gonna say the numbers, but surely you can find them If you don’t believe me. All the money that could be made and used to fund better schools and the healthcare system.
These politicians dont give a fuck about anythin but themselves…If this was to become legal we would be out of the slump not only would there be a lower crime rate on the drug area but people wont be commiting serious crimes for money because jobs will be WIDE OPEN and people can get GOOD legal money instead of selling crack or robbing people
@DAViD8431 because politicians are liars.
our body our decision
If they pass this, stores will sell them in a cigaret form, it will be machined rolled with a filter and will be between 3 to 5 dollars for one
If they pass this, liquor stor
fuck you bald man.. keep goin with the sheep and eventually..
@diamondssjordan word
WTF why dosnt arnold approve? he use to do it!
Pot is productive if the person is fucking artistic and thoughtful.
will seed from the plant b female
will seed from the plant b female
who gives a damn fuck if weed is legalized or not. we can all still get blazed and enjoy peace. weed is very easy to get, common this is the U.S, the world largest drug consumer