Barry Cooper Pot Law Activist Arrested —————————— http ——————————— Former drug cop turned marijuana activist Barry Cooper was arrested on Friday, July 2, 2010, after turning himself in for a warrant related to a Class B misdemeanor charge out of Odessa, Texas, where he and fellow ‘KopBusters’ detectives set up a fake marijuana grow house and baited officers to raid it in Dec. 2008. This video was shot and edited by Stephen C. Webster. Read the full report here:
Dude looks Crazy these days.
he is stoned to fuck! fair fucks to him! from ireland..foggin on 2k10
I agree with all of these statements
“Make the most you can of the Indian Hemp seed and
sow it everywhere.”
– George Washington
“Hemp is of first necessity to the wealth & protection of
the country.”
– Thomas Jefferson
“I enjoy smoking cannabis and see no harm in it”.
– Jennifer Aniston
“Even if one takes every reefer madness allegation of the
prohibitionists at face value, marijuana prohibition has
done far more harm to far more people than marijuana
ever could.”
– William F. Buckley
PS: the best way to never get busted is to quit smoking, very simple, unless your a true therapeutic user with a medical prescription ofc.
man, barry looks wasted, yet he is right still!
check out his DVD: Never get busted again!
Jury Nullification..
That is the way to go.. People can stand up to the tyrannical political powers that systematically tramples on our sovereignty everyday.
Nice to see the officials there DID treat respectfully, and in an honorable way.
May many more officers see this praise and modify their behavior, for more praise. Give honor to whom honor is due.
I think it would be great if more police would conduct themselvs in this manner. Look at the officers who were nice and calm in this video, they were polite and listend to what barry and candi had to say, they even recognized barry is non violent and offered to put the cuffs on the front for barry’s confort, it also looks like they put them on loose as not to hurt his wrists. They are just doing thier job, but being cool polite, responding to needs as much as they are allowed to is great. IC
@BenjaminFulford thank you
I believe he is out on bond, as is his wife Candi.
thanks for the posting
do you know the outcome of this case ?
Lyrics… Damn the Machine (by Daniel Zimmermann)…. Damn the Machine… Drilling in the center of my mind… One evil dream… The annihilation of mankind… The stern-faced leaders in their temple of doom… Creating nightmares made for me and for you… Damn the machine… The enemy is stalking in the void.. One evil dream… The engine’s running faster to destroy… Here come the raiders they’re invading us all… We stand in silence with our backs to the wall… 2001.GammaRay.click2listen
White men who cover their white skin with tattoos are not loyal to the White race. It is wrong to mutilate a racial characteristic like disfiguring white skin or shaving Anglo Saxon hair. Potheads tend to be race mixers.
U.S. Gov. are terrorists, drug smugglers, war criminals, and horrific liars.
9-11 was an inside job! 9-11 official story was a lie! What happened to build 7?
Where’s the evidence that kerosene fires melted steel?
How did the huge molten pools of steel get under the twin towers and building 7?
Depleted uranium is a weapon of mass destruction!
Play Wall Street like a PONZI SCHEME!
The elections are rigged, unsecure voting machines & ballots!
NASA is a complete FRAUD!
FDA vs. K2 herb
Barry Cooper is a fucking legend and will go down in history as one of the greatest activists for legalisation, never seen Barry smashed like this but if ya goin in the pen, may as well go feelin good, if all cops knew what it was like from the outside looking in and how you get treated maybe they would think twice and treat everyone with respect instead of looking down at everyone and thinking they’re better and above the law. I think Barry will get respect in jail for what he is doin. cheers
This war is allready lost !? Look at the Shipples and cars around you. I dont know if you know it or not. They are people too(Ubs sry shipple) and they dont care. Go home and smoke a big one for all of us, and just forget like we have done in the last many many years…..:-)
I think Barry Cooper said it all with the statement ‘we should feel safe around cops
and not paranoid’.. That sums up the problem with cops.
@SlackerSlayer Yep, see here, watch?v=HjabEapzXbo
“The enumeration in the constitution of certain rights (intoxicating liquors-amend 21), shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. BOR-9
Off topic, but Texas doesn’t have a physical fitness requirement for its pigs?? How much does she weight in on the cattle scale?
Hey Barry, are you going to reconsider what I told you so long ago about all prohibition? The ninth amendment says all intoxicants, not just hemp shall be the right of the people to use and abuse.
Seems a lawyer for a medical marijuana co-op is of the same organized criminal mind set as you, or maybe he is just for his job security position. No arrested clients means he will need to do real lawyer work in some other area.