Bad News: Marc Emery Has Been Refused Transfer to Canada

Breaking news – Marc’s prison transfer application has been refused by the US Department of Justice. It’s a terrible injustice that Marc will be imprisoned for three to four more years. Jodie talks about the details and encourages everyone in Canada to get out and vote to stop the Conservatives, and everyone in the United States to keep pushing for the positive change that’s happening while Marc is in US prison. Go to: to find out who you should be voting for on May 2nd in Canada! Please write letters and send support to Marc during this challenging ordeal. The address and other information is posted at Read Marc’s letter to Jodie upon getting the news Read the Cannabis Culture story about the news:
Yup, the cons are doing everything they can to keep Canadians imprisoned abroad from being able to transfer back under the bill “keeping Canadians safe act” Which when you look at the facts in relation to serious VIOLENT criminals it does the exact opposite by not allowing community/police knowledge of release + their not getting skill/work programs etc to help prevent re offending while in foreign prisons like they would here. Its completely retarded, and Canadians buy this shit in droves…Sad
Stay strong Jodie
@RippedR1 What pisses me off is that the Canadian government sold him out. Though, I don’t know why Marc just didn’t stop selling the seeds to the Americans when he was told not to. Yes, I understand that he has his beliefs, but why you gotta mess with the Americans for. They’re crazy. Marc should have realized that he would be a better advocate here in Canada than rotting in prison for the next five years…
Sorry what are you talking about?
@RippedR1 …protest is consent & is a waist of reality, perhaps good for a few shills contractual gain and a few moments of ego gratification to the protesters , even a little make believe for Main Stream Media, so I do not contest your opion on those matters
~so shall your convictions make the arrest at said retail stores in question or shall the task be assigned to those who must act, by common order if necessary, as that would feed Main Stream Media and fill the New Prison System with CEO ?
1) Hemp products are not illegal
2) The “letter of the law” is exactly what I mean. It must apply to everyone equally under the law (rule of law). People have a right to protest under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. But if they are convicted for selling seeds/ being in posession of marijuana, it is a law. Any violation of the law will subject you to arrest and imprisonment ( depending on the crime). Protest it all the way but remaining legal will not get you arrested.
@RattlerChamp171 …it was just a GATEWAY policy change to booster THE HARPER GOVERNMENT’s GLOBALZIONest agenda from what I make of it;
~the long term objective being a back door of precedence in support side steeping of all existing sovereignty issues at the boarder in preparation for the treasonous conspiracy of Dissolving Canada without public informed consent and a New World Order stepping stone, with the front men being suck in by the greed of cheat & gain
@RippedR1 …so how do you feel about the big bags of birdseed with hemp seeds in the mix which Walmart and Extra Foods trafficked to me without my awareness?
~which I used to try and mitigate a slide area, before reading the label and discovering there crimes
=the “letter of the law” must apply to all or none, regardless of our convenient beliefs or lobby groups such as the cotton industry syndicate which made it a crime for there own cheat & gain
>what does this reasoning make of such reality
there never going to let him go back to Canada they wanted to make an example of him an that’s what there going to do. an it sucks for all of use
@noodlesmealey What the fuck are you going on about?
marc just might be in on it. i hate to say it. is he in the same jail as conrad black?
dont come to vancouver for your marijuana dream,cause its like the american dream…especially high…youre DREAMIING.. (the nwo will give you weed cause its not addictive (BULLSHIT) and then give you the mark of the beast…lexmark bought verichip….LE – X – MARK.. pointless,marijuana is legal. just like same sex marriage is… who cares.. dont let in bad mojo.. DONT USE GATEWAY DRUGS…..AS IN STARGATE
You’re comparing violent acts towards drug culture. Women who were not considered persons didn’t have the choice to be persons or not whereas drug users have a choice to break the law (use) or not. Slaves did not have a choice to be a slave or not. What my point is, whether or not the law is unjust, if you break it by CHOOSING to use marijuana that’s your call. By all means protest against it but if you’re caught with marijuana you know it’s illegal and you accept the punishment
@RippedR1 So do you believe that women who disobeyed their “owner” husbands before they were recognized as “persons” shouldn’t have complained when their husbands beat them, because the law is the law, and the law said she must submit?
Would you tell black slaves who tried to escape that they should accept the punishment of being whipped and beaten because trying to escape is illegal?
The law is not always right. Bad laws need to be changed. And there are many unjust, unfair, inhumane laws.
@RippedR1 Do you understand what he was really arrested for? The DEA press release on the day of Marc’s arrest admitted it was all political, they don’t go after seed sellers, it was all about his activism that helped the USA even though he never went there. He spent millions on legal cases, medical marijuana ballot initiatives which led to medical legalization in some states, nation-wide policy groups (MPP, NORML, Marijuana Party, Global Marijuana March, etc.), media, conferences, and more.
Ok… He committed a crime plain and simple. It’s a law and without laws our country would crumble to anarchy essentially. If you have a problem with our drug laws by all means lobby to have them changed/decriminalized but if you commit a crime, you pay the price. It’s like being a lobbyist for more money for daycare so you steal to compensate to send your children to daycare then whine when you get thrown in jail. I guess it’s just liberal left-wingers.
I heard that he might go to prison. I didn’t know that it happened, and I couldn’t believe he was extradited. Love and support to the Emery’s.
Stephen Harper looks and feels like the white creamy filling between Barrack Obama and Eric Holder (the American Attorney General). He has sell out
to American corporate interests, which will rape and poison the world’s last
clean air and water. If you’re Canadian and love life- vote early and vote often.
A strong snow fence may be the best defense off the rink.
hold on be strong
“He is not here to do it because of this government”, yeah…. not because of anything HE did…. fight for your cause, but don’t bullshit me in the process.
stay strong jodie. as an american citizen i am embarrassed at how america is today.
The US “justice” system has invested too much into the deprivation of political prisoner Marc Emery’s freedom for them to even consider letting go of him. Marc is a threat to the authority of repressive powers such as the DEA, and a threatened beast is dangerous. None of this would have happened if it weren’t for the way the mean-spirited Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, compromised Canada’s sovereignty by extraditing Marc to a barbaric foreign power.
Representatives of all the major Canadian political parties delivered to the House of Commons huge stacks of petitions, signed by thousands of Canadians, asking that Marc not be extradited to the US gulag archipelago. Harper, in his characteristic cold-blooded manner, unhesitatingly hung Marc Emery out to dry. Vote strategically non-Con in the May 2nd election to lock this tyrant out of Ottawa.
Its all about the US keeping control of its people and keeping its business partners happy (big pharma, big oil, big tobacco, alcohol companies). Remember, the people who fund the above the influence crap are alcohol and tobacco companies mostly. ROFL@hypocrisy