Arlo Guthrie/ Waimanalo Blues

Alan Moon greets Mr. Palmer before going out to sing for the people gathered at the school safe from the expected tsunami. Robert Kekaula in on the left of AG! Cyril Pahinui on his far right. The one in the middle, “I’ll get back to ya on that.” A clip from “The Byrds of Paradise”. “Mi Casa Es Tsunami” Episode 7 Waimanalo Blues is on Arlo’s CD titled, “Power Of Love” recorded in 1981.
hey anyone know where i can get a dvd or vhs of this show?
It’s ok honest mistake
So screen left, not actual left? My bad.
Yeah that is Robert Kekaula but im not talking about him. Im talkin about the one when your staring at Arlo to the left is Charlie Kealoha. The one on the rock. And yes i know its him cause thats my dad
Ha, ha, who’s right? I’ll check it out. Thanks.
It’s Robert Kekaula
Charlie Kealoha?? That’s Robert Kekaula
Thank you!
I’ll add Charlie’s name right now.
Beautiful song… N FYI the guy on the left of Arlo is Charlie Kealoha
Pahinui! My grandparents were close friends with Arlo Gunthrie and I’ve met Cyril Pahinui at E Hula Mau 2009. Good people
Everyone can appreciate the sentiment of this song. You don’t have to be Hawaiian to lament the loss of the land to developers and change.
I’m a haole who has live in Hawaii for 10 years, and this is one of my favorites.
I’d think that Hawaiians would appreciate a haole who shares their feelings.
Some feelings are universal.
From “Alice’s Restaurant” to Waimanalo..
Well ..this is one free soul.
LOve this song.
Thanks for posting
Peace & Aloha
That’s Robert Kekaula, with hair!
Eh Peter, you are right. I was not very pono in what I said. I apologize to anyone I offended by saying I did not think Arlo has sufficient mana to pull off this song. You are correct that Cyril would not have done it if he thought Arlo was not pono.
Thanks for keepping me on the straight and narrow.
Me ke aloha,
Auntie Wanda
u certo nly got in the middle of this…
The fact that someone would show disdain (especially a Hawaiian) to Arlo Guthrie “A Haole” singing Waimanalo Blues is sad. If CYRIL PAHINUI; a man who knows & understands the music (especially this song) is accepting of Arlo, then why can’t you all? Trust me, I know Cyril and if he were to deem something like this “unfit” then he wouldn’t be playing. The fact that someone would bash another musician playing a certain song based on his race is unethical and not very “ALOHA”
Ahhhh [sirduke58]….’1/2 hawaiian’ are ya? You’re so lucky, to be one of less than 145K people who can say that (US Census 2000 records, BRAH)…..unless you’re just blowing smoke…..which is what *I* think.
Anyone that argues against sharing this song – however composed or played – which MAY stimulate someone’s INTEREST in Hawai’ian music is indeed suspect….and your videos aren’t “all that” either. *sigh* Perhaps you ALSO need to ‘get over yourself’???
Dwnhllr1959 you sound like a clueless Haole transplant to the islands.This rendition a joke & I (1/2 Hawaiian)find it offensive!!! Arlo Guthrie promoting Hawaiian music??Give me a break hahaha.Unless of course you mean Hollywood’s perception of Hawaiaiian music.If you want to hear real Hawaiian music that we Hawaiians want to see associated worldwide as Hawaiian music check out my YouTube vids.FYI wjc1952 is educated in Hawaiiana & it’s you who don’t know JACKSH*T!!!
I am just of the opinion that even though music is universal, certain songs should not be sung by certain folks. That’s all I am saying. I would never sing Waimanalo Blues. Same thing Kaulana Na Pua. To me it is the same thing when Irving Berlin wrote White Christmas or Barbra Streisand makes a Christmas album. Like Mammy said in “Gone with the Wind” it ain’t fittin’…it jus’ ain’t fittin’.” I am glad however that Cyril did get showcased. Still like Bla’s best. What about Nanakuli too?
Oh for GODS SAKE – wjc1952 – get the H*LL over yourself, willya?? Just KEEP your ‘mainlander haole’ attitudes ON the mainland…we don’t need OR want your holier-than-thou CRAP here in Paradise….OK??
Arlo was bridging musical styles AND introducing LOTS of folks to Hawai’iana – what the H*LL have you ever done…except make useless comments about kama’aina folks (or ‘mana’) you know JACKSH*T about….
For jguth3 – thank you SO much for finding and posting this gem!
I once lived on Oahu 16 yrs. and oh how this song brings back Hawaiian Memories. Thank you Arlo for this long time favorite song of mine, what a big surprise to hear you and all sing it!
Waimanalo blues is a very powerful song with much mana. I am a mainlander haole and I frankly do not feel the same mana when Arlo plays and sings this (technically very well) as opposed to someone who is a kama`aina. Blah Pahinui can blow you away with this song. In addition to Cyril Pahinui playing slack key, who are the other players? Should give attribution to the other musicians as well. For Hawaiians, playing together like that, kanikapila, is a GROUP effort.
Two sons of Music Gods and my favorite sportscaster on the uke.
Mrs. G,
Is that Brother IZ playing the uk? (on Arlo’s left side)
Now matter what you sing, it is enjoyable and funny- very light hearted and HAPPY…..