Arizona 2011 Bill To Decriminalize Marijuana Possession

Arizona 2011 Bill To Decriminalize Marijuana Possession

From NORML: “A first-year lawmaker [A Republican lawmaker, surprise Democrats!] has introduced legislation to defelonize marijuana possession penalties in Arizona. House Bill 2228 ( ) amends state law so that the adult possession of up to two ounces of marijuana is reduced from a potential felony (punishable by 1.5 years in prison and a $150000 fine) to a “petty offense” punishable by a $100 fine. Passage of this measure would amend Arizona law from one of the strictest in the nation to one of the most lenient. The bill awaits action from the House Rules Committee, whose members may be contacted here. ( ) You can also contact your House member and urge him or her to support HB 2228 by entering your zip code below. ( ) Further information regarding statewide marijuana law reform efforts is available from Arizona NORML here. ( ) ” Take action! Go to the page to help support this law!

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