Arizer V-Tower../ Whip Type

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Is this a good vap for Marijuana? How good is it and how high do you get? Read More »
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I just got this in. I’m never smoking out of anything else ever again. This product is worth it!
@ForestKid408 after you use it for a bit you will be able to use it more efficiently, usually from 5-10 hits. you an see the vapor when you blow it out too so you can use that as a tell too. when you dont see as much and it starts to look a bit smokey then you know your done.
I just bought one of these, its still coming in the mail. So how do you know when the weed is cashed or not? How many hits? How do you know when its finished? answers are appreciated.
@Gillie021 no i don’t have the extreme! i have the same with you,but underneath there is somthing like fan!
@slipknotized99 i dont have the extreme, so mine doesnt have the fan. but yes packing the elbow is far better than the bowl piece
Hey Gillie i got one yesterday and omg this is the best thing ever!can you answer me this?the fan works alone when the vapor get’s too hot?is it better if you pack the adaptor or just the same thing if you don’t? i like it so much that you can leave your vap on and take your hit any time you want!
@haithurlol yea yea
so this thing is worth buying yeah?
@PowerBoat1234 It’s much different then smoking joints, you should try the vaporizers in coffeeshop Anyday in Amsterdam if you ever go there
. Btw I don’t know how you usually smoke (joints I assume?) but this is much different, if you smoke 1/3 gram dank White Widow in a bong you’re already insane high and with a vaporizer it’s different again, also the temperature that you’re vaping at is of influence.
@TheDoobees ya 260.. you can go lower on temp and get the same result just let it warm up for 5-10 mins, i run mine 210-220 usually depending on dryness
how high does the temp go on this? mine goes to 260. i usually vape at 235. i hit it the same way you do by packing the elbow adaptor , it’s nice. sweet video.
if you use heavy dutch weed like white widow 1/3 gram makes me really stoned how long and how many hits i can take, i mean how fast am i done.
Tx anyway good video im looking for vap but i never used one
@tabesauce23 5-10 abouts depending on your bud
about how many hits do you get in each bowl?