Are events like this the sparks that will light the fuse to start the second Mexican-American War?

Immigration? No. Invasion
Posted: April 05, 2010
1:00 am Eastern
© 2010
You’ve probably never heard of Rob Krentz.
Before March 27, there really wasn’t any reason you would have.
Since then, however, there’s every reason you should know the name and the man and the circumstances of his death.
But unless you read local Arizona news or ranching publications, you’ll know nothing about what happened to Rob Krentz on his ranch that day.
The reason you know nothing is because there’s a concerted effort by pro-illegal immigration advocates in government and media to keep silent on this story.
Think about it. Did you see any headlines about an innocent American rancher gunned down on his own property?
The truth is, even the cold-blooded murder of an American citizen on his own land by an illegal alien doesn’t bother them because they’re hell bent for leather to keep our borders open, allow illegals to cross with impunity and to give those already here illegally the precious gift of American citizenship.
If you’re a patriotic, law-abiding American and this doesn’t make you livid, you are more than a fool.
Robert Krentz operated the 35,000-acre family ranch with 1,000 head of cattle located some 12 miles from the Mexican border and near the city of Douglas, Ariz. He worked with his wife, Sue, and their three children on land that’s been in his family since 1907.
That’s three generations, 103 years of blood, sweat and tears to maintain a business that is nothing, if not tough.
Krentz had a reputation of generosity and was known for helping anyone in need, including illegals needing water or medical aid.
His eldest son, Andy, told Fox News that his “father was a very good family man. He supported his kids, supported his family. He went out of his way to help anybody we could … it didn’t matter who they were.”
So what happened that Saturday?
Krentz was checking fencing and water lines on the ranch and mid morning, he radioed his brother Phil that he’d encountered an illegal on the property.
A neighbor told the Arizona Daily Star that she heard that transmission on the area radio network. Wendy Glenn said Rob Krentz told his brother, “There’s an illegal alien here that needs help. … I’m out on such and such windmill … Please call the Border Patrol.” The brother replied, “I can’t hear you.”
When Krentz didn’t show up for a noon appointment, Phil Krentz called the police.
A search was launched and late that night, Robert Krentz was found slumped over in his ATV, shot to death. His dog had also been shot and was so badly injured, it had to be put down.
The Cochise County sheriff’s office told the Arizona Daily Star that the body was found 1,000 feet from where the shooting occurred. The ATV had its lights on and the engine running.
Sheriff Larry Dever said there were spinout marks in the dirt, indicating Krantz was trying to get away from his attacker. Deputies and tracking dogs followed a single set of footprints south to the U.S.-Mexico border. It’s assumed the killer crossed that border. Mexican authorities have been notified.
The chances of finding the murderer are slim to none.
Dever told the Daily Star they don’t have a motive but retaliation might be a factor. The day before the shooting, Phil Krentz reported drug smuggling activity on the ranch to the Border Patrol.
Approximately 290 pounds of marijuana were found, and tracks led to eight illegal aliens who were arrested. The Border Patrol said none were prosecuted because of lack of evidence. All were in custody at the time of Rob Krentz’ murder.
Cochise County is a hotbed of illegal aliens crossing the border as well as drug running and human trafficking. Former Rep. Tom Tancredo said he saw live video from one Cochise County hidden camera in March. It showed 500 to 1,000 illegals every day!
That’s one camera in one county in one state. The totals are staggering.
The Krentz ranch, and others in the area, are constantly on guard against intrusions by illegals with repeated calls to authorities about property damage, livestock theft and killing, theft, carjackings and home invasions.
In 2002, two illegals who’d butchered a calf on the Krentz ranch were tried, found guilty, served 51 days in jail and ordered to pay $200 in restitution. Not a cent was paid. The men were released.
In 2005, Krentz told KOLD-TV they were being overrun and that in the prior five years, it had cost them more than $5 million in damages.
Every ranch owner repeatedly asks the Border Patrol for more surveillance and increased protection – to no avail.
There’s always a reason it can’t be done. It’s always money. The county blames the state; the state blames the feds; the feds ignore it and tap dance about border security.
The county blames the state; the state blames the feds; the feds ignore it and tap dance about border security.
But the buck does stop, and it stops in Washington in the Oval Office. Ultimately, the responsibility for protecting the borders of this country rests with Washington.
The feds have the power and the constitutional duty to protect American citizens and their property from a foreign invasion.
That is exactly what this is.
Mexicans, and others from scores of countries, are invading the United States. It’s daily and ongoing and our own government ignores it, tolerates it and allows it.
Even worse, they want to make it legal and reward the millions of lawbreakers already here.
We have the ludicrous “negotiations” by Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., to devise an amnesty plan the president has said he’ll sign.
Meanwhile three border governors want the National Guard sent to the border.
Hello? Washington? Anyone home?
K. Chesterton once said: “I do not believe in fate that falls on men however they act; but I do believe in fate that falls on them unless they act.”
As many commenter’s on this site note, the United States, as a nation, has finally awakened to realize the nation has a grave problem with immigration.
You summed it well here. Our nation is imperiled.
Illegal immigrants flood our nation from open borders while visitors disregard their check out times and overstay their Visas. And, what do US politicians do?
The Democrat politicals sidestep the issue and casually tell Americans that amnesty for 20 million illegals is the answer to the problem. Quite conveniently, they fail to mention that half the illegals are anything but wonderful people and are, in fact, violent criminals (that according to ICE). It is apparent that Democrats are more interested in garnering new votes than stopping illegal immigration. The illegal immigration issue, both across the border and VISA over-stayers, is simply a non-issue for the Democratic Party. They don’t see it affecting their economy and health care agenda; it is not a national emergency. Thus, they do not act on it in Congress unless it is for sake of new votes in which case, they enable it through non-enforcement and anti security legislation.
On the other side, Republicans displayed their credibility problem on immigration in light of Bush’s SPP aspirations and his inaction to enforce the 1986 laws. While Republican lawmakers sense its significance to the citizenry and commit to addressing the problem, in the same breath, many espouse increasing the number of guest worker programs which lead to more VISA violations and the same overpopulation that the Dems push.
Not only do Americans have to face overpopulation but loss of jobs.
Construction contractors who hire illegals deprive Americans of their place in the workforce. And the businesses that spring up to serve illegals do nothing for the American workforce. They further splinter America in catering to a non English speaking separatist culture that has no desire to become part of the whole who owe their allegiance to another nation and culture. But, in the name of diversity and more votes, Democratic leaders enable them.
In the same vein, Republicans tout their guest worker programs. And what happens? Foreign companies set up shop in America and use the very same Visa programs to hire more foreign nationals, not Americans, and to sponsor greater family chain migration. Then, many of those workers over stay their Visas contributing to greater illegal immigration. This is what some Republic lawmakers tout.
Thus, both sides of the aisles demand Immigration Reform for sake of their parochial agendas.
Tom Tancredo espoused stopping all immigration until the nation could unite around fair immigration reform. But, to the Democrats and LaRaza lobbyists, Reform means amnesty. And, to the Republicans, reform means greater numbers of Guest Workers.
To most Americans, such narrow minded, politically self serving reform means over population, more traffic congestion, loss of homeland jobs, threats to national security, more third world gangs, an increase in crimes, as well as other disastrous consequences including loss of national identity and sovereignty.
You have seen them on the corners of local streets – Americans holding signs and donations cups. “Please Help. My family and I are homeless. I will work for food.” Who speaks for them? Not Council LaRaza nor Lindsey Graham or Hillary Clinton. Should not they be given an American job before a guest worker or illegal alien?
It is time to stop all immigration until we unite again as a nation, determine who among us is here illegally, send them home and establish a sensible policy based on Numbers and what is good first for America and Americans.
“I do not believe in fate that falls on men however they act; but I do believe in fate that falls on them unless they act.” We, as Americans, have more choices to determine America’s future than just the voting booth.
It is time to join your neighbor in thought, discussion and planning, and their neighbors, if they be true American citizens, to unite, one neighbor, one community at a time, until you become one voice of reason and power to act upon America’s declining fate. And, if the pandering political tyrants fail to hear you, be heard and act by other means to spare this nation from the fate of inaction.
As Thomas Jefferson, said “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.” And, “From time to time, the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots.”
Sci Fi we all believe the same thing. The question is how do we get together and do something about this.
Edit: I hope all these IDIOT republicans who watch FOX news read this and understand that the corporatist at fox don’t care at all about them.
something has to be done about the mexicans purchasing land along those problem areas also….they buy the land then permit the illegals to use their property as safe passage into the US—-and back out when they please….Homeland Security—this should also fall on their shoulders.
I think this and all event by ilelgals are fueling for some sort of revolt by the American people.