Anti-Marijuana Ad by StopProp19 / SaveCalifornia – my commentary / response – NEED ANNOTATIONS

First off, you’re going to need Annotations on, because I didn’t feel like editing it on WMM. I already knew about the original ad, but I only now found out about their “tweaked” version. If you want to view it without my commentary, simply turn the annotations off. Get your “facts” straight, SaveCalifornia. Feel free to comment on this video, because the people who uploaded it first were too cowardly to allow comments. ;D Also feel free to either thumb up or down – up for my awesome commentary, but down because the ad is full of crap.
every thing said in this ad is 100% pulled out of their asshole…
ridiculous moral speech with no embased arguments and pure sensacionalism.
for fuck sake people, read the description and the annotations to understand that s/he isn’t against weed; s/he’s talking about the lies in it.
Thank You The Truth Has Bin Told
I’m so sad for california’s sake for loosing that prop 19.. You’ll get them next time
@bigsmoke894 dude I never said anything about weed….I’m saying that you are a fucking retard. Jesus Christ dude, if you would read the fucking comments you would see that I never talked shit about marijuana, I was simply commenting on your ignorance and stupidity….but congratulations on writing your first comment without spelling something wrong…………..
@bigsmoke894 haha nobody likes a dumbass….well that explains why nobody likes you………….
“The 1# addiction for 65% of teens in drug rehab” – marijuana is not physically addictive, only “mentally” addictive, and anything can be “mentally” addictive
“A gateway drug to cocaine and meth” – very old myth which has no evidence behind it.
“4 times more mind altering than in the 1970’s” – only if your smoking a strain that has a certain amount of THC.
“Harms the lungs faster than smoking cigarettes” – the average tobacco smoker smokes way more than the average marijuana smoker.
says the person who spelt genius wrong -_-
Ow and 1 of every 104 pot smokers use coke and less then 1 out of every 104 use herion.
As a 15 year old it’s way! Easier to get pot then alcohol! If I was caught with a joint I’m givin a choice. 100 dollar fine and years probation or a nice treatment center? What would you choose? Pots less addicting then caffeine and if u noticed they said nothing about brain cell loss?? And do u take ur baby to a liquor store??v
this commercial would be funny as hell if you imagine a guy playing the background drums serious as fuck
man whoever made this commercial is ignorant
lifes short. might as well have fun. better than living your life with a stick up ur ass
WEED IS A GATE WAY DRUG??? i can almost guarantee that more then half of the people who have smoked weed have smoked tobacco first
@Armornone SUCK DICK
This Ad is just pathetic in so many ways. Weed is a PEACEFUL and nearly HARMLESS drug! The only reason it can ruin lives/families, is because the stupid government locks people up for it! it’s really the government and prohibition that ruins lives.
piss testing. woooo 420
news flash laughing is healthy!! this was pretty funny to watch lol oh and if companys dont want employees high on the job they can stop that if they want its called prse
I agree with one thing and that is “DONT BUY THE LIES”. The funny thing is that this whole damn video is a lie.
good job man (y) people need to know the truth,not to be brainwashed.
looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool plain propaganda
Legalising marijuana can lead to :
1.Munchies(you could get fat)
2.laughing all the way to your cofin( laughing has been a common deathcause since the midle ages)
So that’s the harm you get from marijuana ,but just don’t underestimate not legalise.Just jokin LEGALISE IT DONT CRITISICE IT
It’s just such a lie it was funny to watch
@Armornone *big ass facepalm*