Andrew Coyne Mocks a Credible Issue on CBC – Marijuana Law Reform

CBC’s “At Issue” panel member Andrew Coyne thinks that the harms being caused by our misguided marijuana laws are not a serious matter. He mocks those who try and get it on the political radar and shows that he has not spent a single moment looking at the facts of marijuana prohibition – ie: How badly it has failed and how much harm/cost the current prohibitionist policy is causing us to incur. Shame Andrew Coyne! Shame! Before you call people whacko’s for paying attention to a serious issue you should instead read up about it first yourself!
Andrew Coyne is such a poser. He acts like a fiscal conservative, but he’s big Downtown Toronto guy going to the big spending, wining and dining black tie event.
Peter should retire and hand things off to Wendy.
@GalaticTG if anything, boycott Maclean’s magazine… all the rest seemed to take a moderate stance on the matter and Coyne seemed to be the only person with an insulting view on the matter… CBC isn’t the one you should be angry with here.
what good would come of that? to punish the entire network for the idiotic comments of one pundit seems a little silly to me. if anything, send the anger to where it belongs… right to Mr Coyne’s inbox (and his boss’s inbox as well.)
boycott CBC
When are we going to stop discrediting the internet community? How much sense does it make, none! And the technology is not new, get with the program!
So, anyone for stopping citizens who smoke cannabis from being jailed with murders, rapists, and child molesters is a “crazy” or a “yahoo.” How blind could you be you: he admits that, in a truly open forum, the marijuana subject ALWAYS dominates, and in the same breath says we need to “filter” out (i.e., close) the forum so marijuana legalization never enters. Of course they want an open and free forum on the subject.
Andrew corning from Toronto is a douche bag
The crazies? Really Andrew?
This is what’s really on the people’s mind you asshat
no comments allowed? what a sham….
filter out “Crazies and yahoos”? And who decides what is crazy? Does it become so when in conflict with existing laws? And if that is so, how do we get our voices heard if we disagree with bad laws?
so you think people that ask about marijuana are yahoossss cool your a dick lol