Alternatives to Marijuana
The fourth in a series of videos highlighting Minnesota law enforcement lies about medical marijuana.
The fourth in a series of videos highlighting Minnesota law enforcement lies about medical marijuana.
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
@theboynextstore It fits in with sex, love, friendship, and acceptance because it is a natural way for your brain to feel happy. just be careful with it though many people use it as an excuse to open themselves up to many harmful substances such as heroine or crack-cocaine.
@theboynextstore the government just doesn’t want to legalize marijuana because the spent over 70 years and over 500 billion dollars preventing its legalization. cannabis is a perfectly normal substance, and should be smoked at least once or else you’re life is considered incomplete.
@rhysie21 acid and mdma are perfectly fine to consume if you are at a party or hanging out with a big crowd of kids and trying to have some special fun but mdma should only be used 1 to 2 times in a lifetime because it is very harmful and lsd only 5 to 6 times if you’re that adventurous. but cocaine is a definite negative and should be avoided at all costs, a very potent, addictive, and harmful drug. but honestly smoking cannabis is the way to go.
@itouchipods Didn’t help your spelling.
First off no it wasn’t shitty. The same shit smoked through a pipe got me higher than fuck off just one bowl shared amongst 5 people while I was in Flagstaff, 6,000 feet higher than the elevation I live at, a factor I’ve considered. The vap who knows, it wasn’t mine and if used incorrectly then it wasn’t my fault but those that set it up. Keep in mind people are different and so react differently to different methods. Don’t automatically assume the weed or myself is at fault.
@Hardstyle1229 You obviously smoked some really shitty weed or your vap was not worth a shit or you were using it incorretly.
@sirbigtok3r420 False Acid is very dangerous because your mind will not act the same everytime you take it.
@sirbigtok3r420 Dependant on quanity….
MDMA and Acid are safer for you than Tobacco and Alcohol, which are legal.
@theboynextstore Fuck yea the public is lying to u. Marijuana is a very good thing.haha I started smoking weed when I was ur age. I’m only 14 but it has taught me a lot. One thing being patients… Weed might help ur cod. U neve know
@theboynextstore I really wouldn’t call cannabis a drug and most reports are exagerated some people smoke cannabis all their lives and have not developed cannabis psycosis however now that new strains (types) are being developed (skunk) higher THC concentration more chance of developing cannabis psycosis. and ur teachers are told by the goverment to tell u it’s bad because they are being payed by alcohol and tabbaco manufacturing companies.
im only 13 and at school teachers and everyone always say that marijuana is bad? why is it that people are saying its good? i really wont be doing drugs when im older tbh. i have to take zoloft already for ocd. im just curious why this is? is it the public thats lieing to us?
@hardstyle129 yes there are alot, but there pretty much all chemically related to thc (known as cannabinoids) all those “cannabinoids” should evaporate though a vaporizer, it was either shitty weed or you didnt set the vaporizer at a high enough temperature
Is it possible to get high off other chemicals in marijuana besides THC? I ask because I smoked through a vaporizer which is pure THC and I barely and I mean barely got high, so what’s the deal?
if you couldn’t tell i was being ssarcastic
dude u just sound ignorant,what is your point.not everyone gets skin cancer.iam hawwaiian,my skin has good pigment,if your far skinned its bad.yes alcohol and tobacco kill people not cannabis
and beer, and driving ,and the sun (cancer)
legalze it..drugs and tobacco kill
lol never go above weed weed is ok but going above that as far as drugs go is not ok
You do realize you are being something of a babylonian by action? …i am jelious of your ignorance for the illness that comes from ascetism, however.
…wear a grievers misery for one day without slitting your wrists, you sound like the kind of bastard who’s happy to take a knocked out drunk girl and do a ‘casper’.
..You want to be thought of as scum? Sometimes merely surviving will have to surfice. pig
Yeah, it’s obvious your a drug nut.
Marijuana – fine.
Acid – Nah
Cocaine – No
hahaha this guys really need to smoke some joints haha fucking pussys ahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaaaaaahahahah mariguana ist bad i work and study and help my family with money and i do mariguna all fucking days and i also do acids and mdma and sometimes coke but just to wake up or when im drinkig alcohol haha wussies you nevr will live your life or what haha pussys you only survive but dont live hahaha
wat a motavation to stop gettin blunted.
James Backstrom, what a bad example teaching kids its ok to lie to protect your job, Bet he loves Bush