All I Need Free Medical Weed & Health Canada Medical Marihuana Is Efficacious? “RDT Original”

Hello Canadian MMAD MMAR Medical MJ Licensed Users!! This it the formula to get MY, Free Health Canada Medical Marihuana!! It is my own, and there is no other like it! 1 + (1985 + CF + 1999 – DND + VAC + 2002) + 2010 – 2004 + (HC + VAC + NDP + MP) + HST + BCAG + MLA + BCSC + SCC – (NDP – MP) + $2300.00 + (MC x 21.25%) + (PC + MP) = FREE VAC HC MM 4 ME? My name is Bruce Webb. I was wondering if you could tell me what your License Number is with HC? NOT your fancy one, as you know I am 10000000548 and it was issued in 2005. I was just wondering how many of us there are for real?? I would also like to know who has the oldest? Since every license is for 12 months and some are NEVER going to be Re-newed as we know, it would be cool to know!! Be Well Bruce Health Canada Statement on Medical Marihuana Compassion Clubs 2010-94 June 7, 2010 For immediate release I have no cash for Street Drugs! The government forced me to go in to debt with MasterCard, to Pay off my old Health Canada Bill! Reason!So the Government could start Giving me my Medication? Turns out Veterans Affairs Canada only back dates Medical benefits 18 months!! Since my Health Canada Bill was over that limit I had to PAY OFF the BILL in FULL, then and only they could Health Canada send my Medication FREE OF CHARGE for the rest of my life?? All I Need Free Medical Weed NOT!! Now my Health Canada Medication is FREE for my Veterans Affairs Canada Pensioned Condition …
Health Canada is the only organization that can legally supply marihuana seeds and dried marihuana for medical purposes to such individuals.
Health Canada Statement on Medical Marihuana Compassion Clubs 2010-94 June 7, 2010 For immediate release
The announcement of a DIN# would instantly answer all Medical MJ loop holes, and give the go ahead for Compassion Cub Bust cause all Doctor noted Medical users can go to shoppers with a note called a “Prescription”!!
I don’t want to get in this as all “My” needs are not any concern to a Compassion Club or I would have seen compassion from them, not Health Canada and Veterans Affairs Canada and that Lady in NS never would have needed go to court to win Free Medical MJ!!
I figure the more noise everyone makes, the sooner someone will say to put an end to it and something will move to correct the stupidity or enforce it!!
I don’t even care which way it goes as a Medical user, but we have suffered way to long and for nothing!!
No one has fixed or canceled the MMAR / MMAD / MMAP???
Someone needs end the suffering of the sick!!
I would like to thank the Health Canada employee that helped me this month, and PPS for the rush order without the paperwork!!
It just shows that some government programs can work, if all the Governing Parties would Support them with more than Budgeted Tax Cash and good intentions, and not just the crimes that the Government Programs were created to eliminate!
@karlmahlmann Yep and all it took was asking them to!!
Ha! Ha! Ha!
I just pointed out that the MMAR / MMAD was created by the government after the SCC told them they had to or legalize all POT!!
The constitutional exemption was meant for “ANY” Canadian that was in a need to access “legal” Medical MJ, as it has no DIN# and can not be legally “Prescribed” as if falls under the same CDSA Controlled Substance laws same as Crack / Cocaine / Opium / Wheat / Grains!
hilarious – the government of Canada is buying my weed