Advanced Nutrients & How Weed Won the West: Bigger Buds, Bigger Yields Kevin Booth, director of How Weed Won the West and American Drug War, takes you inside an urban growroom to show you the benefits of Advanced Nutrients plants supplements and Grow Goddess LED lighting systems. Don’t miss the 4/20 World Premiere screening events of How Weed Won the West!!
this video is 4:20 long
mate, it’s not worth it, americans have waaaay too much sugar and caffein in their diet, love to say ‘fuck you’, wave a middle finger, and are good at going to war 😉
this video shows you advanced is the best
I dont grow cannabis anymore due to the state I live in. ( carzy harsh laws) ITS JUST A PLANT! I grew to smoke not to sell. anyways I saw an AN video payed by AN claiming the produce over 300% of GH. And double the yield. I have 2 150 watt hps that I use for tomatoes( for now) I will do a test and see if the yield is more than 2x’s. I doubt it!!!!
lol these dudes are such closet pieces. Gay guys always talk bout girls sooo akwarkdly. “taking a grl on a first date, have ur name on the gate”? These dudes are super sus
@ezsavatto This years cup winner was grown with Advanced
@ezsavatto doesnt given 30 percent more
@ezsavatto not true
funny all that plastic bucketed crap can’t compare to quality from bat shit. Poop still rules you can’t beat it for quality. Your hydro is lazy style and won’t make you look like a rock star except at the scale. People buy canadian because it is cheap and dense not quality.
Before you go buy this high priced crap ask yourselves this-why does general hydroponics give 30%more yeild and denser nugs???AND WHY HAS GENERAL HYDRO WON THE CANABBIS CUP NUMEROUS TIMES WHILE ADVANCED HAS NEVER WON??? WHY??? NUFF SAID!!!
general hydroponics gives 30% more yeild and tighter nugs!!Try for yourself and see!! Ask yourself this WHY HAS ADVANCED NUTES NEVER WON THE CANNABIS CUP???
video length 4:20
Very nice vid…
dudes we need a screening in AZ, med marijuana made it onto the ballot in november, we need all the help we can get!