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A question to my fellow stoners?

A question to my fellow stoners?

A little survey, if you will!

Favorite thing to smoke out of?
Favorite band to listen to while high?
Favorite movie to watch while high?
Best stoner story?
Have you made your own munchie-concoction?

My answers(:

Favorite thing to smoke out of? I bought an elephant pipe awhile back and it’s my baby. I treat it better than my phone. I named it Scarface, because after I had bought it, I found two scratches on the face and when I was high I realized it was the absolute best name for it.

P.S. I love smoking out of bongs.

Favorite band to listen to while high? I’d have to say either The Smashing Pumpkins or Sublime. :]

Favorite movie to watch while high? The Big Lebowski or Monsters Inc.

Best stoner story? There’s a lot of laughing when my friends and I smoke but one time (probably one of my most high times), my four friends and I made the most intricate, detailed, well-thought out plan on moving to Canada and growing our own Marijuana Farm. It took HOURS to talk about…or so it seemed.

Munchie-concoction: A turkey sandwich with cheese on top put into the microwave to melt the cheese and then pouring BBQ sauce on it. Yummm.

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