Report: New DOJ guidelines to back medical marijuana laws The Obama administration is calling off the dogs in the clash of state versus federal marijuana laws. According to the AP, Federal drug agents and prosecutors will be instructed not to pursue pot-smoking patients or their sanctioned suppliers in states that allow medical marijuana, under new legal guidelines to be issued today, Monday acco. The forthcoming Justice Department memo represents a change in policy from the Bush administration (who always preferred booze and coke), which said it would enforce federal anti-pot laws regardless of state rules. Medical marijuana is now legal in 14 states.The guidelines to be issued by the department do, however, make it clear that agents will go after people whose marijuana distribution goes beyond what is permitted under state law or use medical marijuana as a cover for other crimes, the officials said. In addition the new guidelines urges prosecutors to pursue marijuana cases which involveselling pot to minors and other federal crimes, which are not considered illegal under certain state medical marijuana laws. The Obama administration is making a sharp turn from the Bush administration when it comes to state laws regarding medical marijuana usage. The guidelines to be issued to federal prosecutors Monday will suggest that it’s not a good use of time to go after users and distributors of medical marijuana in the 14 states that allow such usage, while encouraging that …
MetallicMoment– Right! Now the DEA can focus on the people who use the REAL drugs that are brought in by the CIA. War on drugs may ass.
still no freedom thay made it look like thay done something i dought this country will ever be free thay did it because thay needed a moment to blow sunshine up thare ass. freedom for the plant like in a free country free country my ass.
score one for the good guys!
i think this is awesome news. now, we must encourage everyone to know their state’s MMJ laws and COMPLY with them.
thats just a half step closer to legalization. fuck off DEA
Hells yeah!
This policy change will help end all the violence at the borders and bring some respectability and legitimacy to users and distributors in the 14 states who now allow medical usage.
Now the DEA can focus on the real crime that is out there. Hopefully, new legislation will help them find their way.
This change in policy moves the federal government dramatically toward respecting scientific and practical reality.