A hit or run reaction while high on marihuana?

When a person is high on marijuana, he feels very relaxed and friendly, unable to any aggressive behaviour or violence. (according to many opinions, and my own experience)
I wonder what would happen if a person is high and finds himself in a situation where he has to fight for this life, like an assault, a bank robbery, a pub brawl, etc,…would his body pump so much adrenaline to block the affect of marihuana in his brain??? Or would he be unable to react in aggressive way, no matter how dangerous the treat could be?
Probably depends on the intensity of the situation and how much marijuana you had taken.
I find that with any drug if you get as situation where you need to be alert your body just kicks in.
I have had this with drinking and smoking when a friend has had an accident and been hurt, sense just kicks in and you can sober up real quick.
As for a fight then i figure this would be much the same – self preservation is a very strong impulse
Hit and Run huh! Driving whilst high or what? Anyways, from my experience in New Zealand. The Gangs there turn violence into an art useing the effects of Weed. The Germericans are down on Weed users as being soft, sucking an Earthbound Tit full of T.H.C. They see it as a weakness. The Kiwi,s are without doubt the toughest GENTLEMEN that I have yet encountered in this world? If you do not want to fight they usually will leave you be. Not so the Britsi and Germericans thay go for the kill.
Personally, I detest violence and am non aggressive yet I can steel my self once I am pushed for enough and can and will have a go! Ultra GO. I,ll bite anybodies rollox off! As in the forces, anybody can be trained up to kill. Backbone it is often termed. Useing Psychology against peaceful individuals to tun them into killers and then turn them off again apparently. Not so in Israel. Look at the crime figures during times of peace violent crime skyrockets?
Marijuana isn’t a sedative! lol
You can fight and get angry when you’re high if you have to.
[by “hit or run” I think the OP means “fight or flight”, right?]