This is a response to your comments on yesterdays video just to clear a couple things up. Make sure and SUBSCRIBE for more! http
This is a response to your comments on yesterdays video just to clear a couple things up. Make sure and SUBSCRIBE for more! http
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
Hey ass hole you need to go back to school. 1 cannabis has been use to create this country before the 1920.depression. two. If you use it the way god intented it to be use. Then your smart. If you abuse it. Well then. Your a moron but at lest you don’t die. But. You have no worry. It will be legalize. And your fat ass will die from caffine. Or over eating. Oh. P.s. sorry for my spelling. English is not my first langues. Polish is. Hell. My family name mean the one who sell cannabis. Peace
haha i love how this fat fuck only put comments that stupid people put
I really wanna beat the shit out of you.
I really wanna beat the shit out of you.
It’s my understanding that cigarettes are worse for your health, and alcohol has a worse affect on your mental state, then pot. So why is pot illegal again? P.S. coffee is a drug too dork… lol
that taco comment was fucking epic, im going to subscribe to him
“READ THIS FUCKING DICK!!!” Fuck you, Your a fucking ingorant fucking twit!
“READ THIS FUCKING DICK!!!” Fuck you, Your a fucking ingorant fucking twit!
And one more thing. Not all Marijuana users are ignorant. And Caffeine is proven more addictive that THC, and because its legal doesnt mean its good for you. just putting that out there.
LMFAO, sorry, i didn’t see your response before posting. I hate people that spell the word THE, because DA, AINT AH WURD
Plus, tons of people get high as it is, and they’re already driving while high right now. Legalizing marijuana isn’t going to make it worse.
Isn’t ironic that you can’t pronounce the word “Shit”, and you’re calling other people dumb?
Look – I’m not a pothead. I’ve never even smoked pot. Thing is, it doesn’t take a pothead to realize that pot should be legalized. The only thing it takes is a little but of research, being properly informed and good education.
From my understanding, as I’ve never and don’t plan on drinking while high, and I’ve never yet been high, because the high people are more aware that their judgement is impaired, they’re likely to try to be as careful as possible on the road, because they’re paranoid that they’re going to crash. Drunk people are more likely to take risks while driving than people who are high while driving.
^ From my understanding.
From my understanding, 13CLT13’s post probably had to do with the fact that when people are high, they’re more aware that they’re high than people who are drunk, who’ll sometimes wave it off, think they’re as good as always and crash their cars while driving.
I agree with GraySunWarrior
Thing is, you’re accusing every one that said something against you of being a pothead and calling them all idiots.
Take 2:55 – you’re trying so hard to pronounce things as they are spelled to make the poster look stupid, that you mispronounce the words that are spelled correctly – such as “shit”. You said shite.
I agree with GraySunWarrior
Thing is, you’re accusing every one that said something against you of being a pothead and calling them all idiots.
Take 2:55 – you’re trying so hard to pronounce things as they are spelled to make the poster look stupid, that you mispronounce the words that are spelled correctly – such as “shit”. You said shite.
you look like a slightly fatter version of P Rod
puto pendojo (espanol) i really hope u die sorry but u a fucking ass get a life lmfao!!!!!
The coffee thing that guy was talking about is that more people die from coffee than they do from marijuana. which is true
Why are the people who oppose cannabis legalization still using invalid arguments? Gateway drug ?? Sorry, but there is no evidence whatsoever to back that claim. I challenge anyone to post a video with proof that there is such a thing…. because it was made up by propagandists. In the 1930’s Hairy asslicker…. sorry…. anslinger said that heroin use would lead to the ” much more dangerous marijuana” and on the floor of OUR congress he said it makes a black man look twice at a white woman.
Ryan, telling people what they can and can’t do in the privacy of their own homes is unconstitutional. I work, pay my taxes, and have kids. We keep our house clean and all the bills up to date. If we can do all this and occasionally use marijuana responsibly in our home, what’s the harm? Anything can be bad in excess, the key here is moderation, Ryan.
Good job Ryan!
Takes courage to stand up for your convictions.
Marijuana is bad for people even if they can’t see that through the bong smoke!
I would like to suggest that you buy Cannabis a History by Martin Booth and read some well researched historical facts about cannabis (marijuana). While I do agree with some people about you being ignorant on the subject, I believe your heart is in the right place and you would be willing to learn something about the plant and why it is illegal in the first place. If you are shown some even handed knowledge on the subject then you might even change your mind on the subject. I know it did for me
I’ve driven really high before and been driven by high people and i have to say that it effects you but the ones that drive bad when their high are bad drivers when there sober and some bad drivers drive way better when there high -former stoner
so gay i smooke a big joint hemp ever have a good day god bless jou
Good Job Ryan, From Elko, I enjoy your wisdom.