Ron Paul Won The Straw Poll AGAIN!
LEGALIZE MARIJUANA CANNABIS HIGH MARIHUANA MEDICAL WEED 420 OBAMA RON PAUL PIPE BONG JOINT KUSH DRUGS SEEDS WAR NEWS VAPORIZER BOWL HASHISH BLUNTS HASH GANJA HEMP legal cops POT PRIVACY CIVIL RIGHTS LAW ACTIVIST HERB smoke HIGHTIMES CUP hydro ECONOMIC COLLAPSE MEXICO PATRIOT MARYJANE conservative NEW YORK JERSEY CHRONIC NWO freedom GMO LIBERTARIAN ALEX JONES PRISON PLANET toke Sinsemilla HOSSER420 BAKED MSNBC CNN CBS Marc emery wikileaks love health cancer prop 19 California fox news ABC bp economic philosophy news analysis finance conspiracy economy health discussion politics communism vlog commentary religion government interview
Lies? Bigotry? Ignorance? In AMERICA?? No! : O
Ron Paul is in my opinion one of the few thats still in touch with the people and actually seems to take what they want seriously. I think if he were to be Pres. things would actually be taken serious with the marijuana issue and not just laughed off like “haha stupid stoners”. I’d vote for him.
Lets fix this now Yor Ecnareves will ask Ron Paul to be Vice President.
And Give all the people a vote in a new United Nations and the people control of all state and federal governments day to day operations Day one in the whitehouse see how. YorEcnareves on youtube twitter and facebook
It is not the government’s role to regulate what we can or can not consume. What we can or can not do at home. It is not the government’s role to legislate morality. It is the government’s role to protect our liberties not trampling over them.
@BlindMaphisto Well considering he would be president people will know his stance on the subject, and I’m sure that will influence the sheep minds of the american people, especially the conservative republicans that have a hard time opening their mind.
@BlindMaphisto Nixon declared the war on drugs -shit even Elvis gotta badge -so why cant a pres. resend it ?I thought 30 yrs ago this issue would settled .Its the 2 party system that feeds the bullshit to the PEOPLE.32% OF America votes for the winner of the pres. race – YOU GOTTA VOTE FOR CHANGE -AND DEMOCRATS OR REPUBLICANS WILL NEVER USHER IN CHANGE …THEY JUST HAND THE BALL OFF EVERY 4-8 YRS. They are never far from control….I would vote for a chimp -before either of these 2 partys
@kirmokin2 Oh I believe he would try but I wonder how much power he actually has. Without the support of congress and the house what can he really achieve. I guess what I’m saying is what is the limits of a presidents power,
@BlindMaphisto I think he’d actually do something about it, cause he’s been so incredibly supportive of legalization that he has no other choice, he’d be fucked next election if he didn’t legalize at least marijuana.
Ron Paul is a GREAT MAN!!!!! He has my vote 100000%
Vote Ron in 2012
End prohibition clear the prisons of cannabis POW’s
I wonder what he could actually do about marijuana if he was president.
First!! Lolll
Ron paul for President!!!!!!