How long until California legalizes marijuana?
Just wondering, since the entire state is in the toilet. The reason I ask this question is because I would like to hear the benefits and the problems caused by legalization. I’ve heard most reasons, please present your best! Thanks ahead of time.
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
hasn’t it already happened
i say…..12 years?
now i wish..
idk but you will hear about it for sure even if you live in new zealand!
do your OWN homework.
I am curious if they just legalized it out right and taxed it like cigarettes and booze they might lift themselves out of their deficit….
They could take that revenue and put it back into health care, schools, and other social programs
i thought it already happened.
Already legal in the Emerald Triangle. It is legal for both medicinal and recreational use. Here is a link to just one place you can see how big it is there. It is being described as the modern day gold rush.
theres no telling.
if i had to guss i would say anywhere from 15-40 years.
It can really mess people up if they are already predisposed to conditions like depression and schizophrenia.
if they did legalize it, they’d need to have massive warnings about the effects on people with such conditions or anyone with a family history of these conditions.
Not Long! They’ve made Legal what GOD, HIMSELF, declared as SIN thousands of years ago. So hey, why not allow polygamy?
It may take a few more years, but you can’t put the smoke back into the cigar !
Soon with any luck.
I mean seriously the tax money alone would fix the states issues.
And cut the budget on this so called war on drugs out of the picture.
Not to mention Weed is non addictive and can treat glaucoma (which I have) I would much prefer that to drops:)
California legalized medical marijuana a few years ago, however it is still illegal to use marijuana recreationally. There is no set date for it to be legalized.
it already happened haha. in oakland, they have this marijuana shop place where you can purchase it.
One big negative for legalizing marijuana in California is that California just ruled that marijuana smoke is a carcinogen. (causes cancer)
They haven’t (yet?) ruled on the carcinogenic properties of ingesting marijuana.
Hopefully next year. Right now there’s a bill in the California state legislature that if passed would legalize marijuana for recreational use. It’s hoped that a legal marijuana industry in California would yield 1.2 billion dollars a year in tax revenues.
As of now California spends 170 million dollars per year trying to eradicate marijuana usage and despite the law and all of law enforcement’s efforts weed is easily obtained and people continue to get high.
Even those usually opposed to the idea are beginning to see the light.
There are pros and cons to legalizing any drug. The question comes down to freedom and regulation. Or in other words, who stands to profit by legalizing it and who stands to profit from the continued prohibition. Far greater minds than I have contemplated this issue. If prohibition continues, we will keep many a law enforcement employed and busy including courts, local police and authorities and of course our prison and detention systems. In fact I believe that the prison system was the only “growth” industry last year. (Unions had strong armed the tax payer into more money and benefits furthering our deficit.) On the other hand if we end the prohibition on marijuana, estimates vary on the tax gains for the state. These estimates run from several billion to close to 100 billion. Tax gains aside, the fear of rampant and habitual use runs deep in the public conscience although his too has little or no real actual predicted effect. Let’s look at alcohol and the failed attempt at prohibition. It is estimated that alcohol abuse during the prohibition years was greater than it is now. Can the same be said for the legalization of hemp? No one really knows. Bigger question to ask is does the state or federal officials have the right to tell us what we can smoke? I say no. Clearly state and federal officials disagree and one beckons the question, what do we gain by continuing prohibition and what will we gain be legalization? I would like to see the legalization and taxation of marijuana and the end to the war on marijuana. I would like to see less of my tax dollars spent on police, judicial and correctional institutions as it pertains law enforcement, judiciary and incarcerations of marijuana users. I would like to see less government all around and a quick end to marejuana prohibition. But it probably won’t happen any time soon.
Marijuana will be legalized eventually. Americans are opening their eyes more and more to see the truth. Marijuana is in no way dangerous, as proven by scientists over and over again, but republicans still deny them for whatever reason.
Here are the facts with links to show proof.
-Marijuana does not kill brain cells. The theory it did came from an old scientific study where monkeys were given 60 Columbian strength joints in 5 minutes. The lack of air caused brain cells to die. It was not the marijuana. Later studies show that marijuana killing brain cells is 100% wrong.
-You cannot overdose on marijuana. It is possible, but very unlikely. Not one overdose has been recorded in over 10,000 years of use. Scientists believe it may take 30,000 joints in 15 minutes to kill you. As compared with alcohol, which kills 100,000 per year, and tobacco, which kills 450,000 per year.
-Marijuana does not impair driving too much. Yes, it does effect driving to an extent since you have an altered consciousness, as with any drug, but nowhere near the extent of alcohol’s effects.
-Marijuana is not a gate way drug. No chemicals in it produce that effect. Prohibition causes the stepping stone idea. The dealers who sell people weed will eventually get something else and ask customers if they want something stronger. In fact, 1 out of every 100 marijuana users have used cocain. And less than 1% have used heroin.
-Marijuana legalization has THOUSANDS of benefits for our society. These are some of them.
1.) Cannabis and other species of hemp can make THE STRONGEST natural fiber in the world. It is the cheapest and most effective way to make clothing, paper, food, rope, even gas, thousands of things. This will save our country BILLIONS. The use of hemp as the strongest and cheapest paper to make will also cut down cutting down rain-forests, saving rain-forests and rebuilding the rainforest.
2.) The use of marijuana for recreational use will most likely decrease alcohol and tobacco use since alot of people will be interested in marijuana and find that they prefer it over alcohol and tobacco. Alcohol companies and tobacco companies are scared about marijuana’s legalization, in fact, they are so scared, that they are the ones who FUND ASSOCIATION FOR A DRUG FREE AMERICA, the ones who make the commercials against pot use.
3.) Marijuana, like alcohol, can give billions and billions of dollars to our society (which we desperately need now) by taxing it and regulating it.
There are even more, but I do not want to waste too much time writing an answer. More research can be done by yourself.
When will weed be legalized? That we do not know. It is coming though, surely. You cannot hold lies like the ones on marijuana for so long. People will eventually open their eyes and demand legalization. What the people want is what the people get.