hookah bars illegal?
I don’t understand hookah bars. Are they places where people smoke marijuana, or tobacco ? (or both?) . Since marijuana is illegal in all 50 states, how can there be hookah bars that people go to?
3 minutes ago – 3 days left to answer
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I do not understand your question.
They’re legal.
People are not allowed to smoke any illegal substance in Hookah bars.
there is no marijuana in hookas they’re just airry smoke. sometimes people may sneak some in though. but in hookah bars they are NOT allowed to put it in there. also, you are SUPPOSED to be 18 to go in but not a lot of them follow that rule.
Hookah bars use flavored tobacco. There is no marijuana whatsoever.
So they are governed by the same rules as smoking laws.
They are smoking flavored tobacco
hookah is only tobacco, marijuana is no where near. in fact, hookah is like 90% fruit, and the rest is tobacco. Yes they are legal.
Yeah hookah bars are just for tobacco.
You smoke flavoured tobacco out out a hookah, not marijuana. As far as it being illegal, I believe that it is legal as long as smoking tobacco is legal, which it isn’t in most places now.
Not you got it wrong—yes those hookah bars exist and actually they are appearing all over the country since some soldiers have tried them in the Middle East and they liked it. Those hookahs don’t use marijuana they use some kind of flavoring tobacco that is why they are not illegal…i know they are becoming a trend in the Northwest part of the country…take care..
They smoke shisha, or turkish flavored tobacco. Hookah bars are not illegal, but you can’t smoke weed in them in the USA.
you smoke flavored tobacco out of a hookah piece, if people are smoking pot it’s at home in their own, not at a hookah bar
hookah is not marijuana (although if you have a hookah you can smoke marijuana out of it). hookahs use a special kind of tobacco. hookahs, the tobacco, and hookah bars are definitely legal.
No Virginia, there’s no pot in hookah bars.
While some use flavoured tobacco, the incidence of those are beginning to decline since a majority of states have restrictions on indoor smoking of tobacco.
While traditional hookah bars use two different tobaccos, some use herbal stuff to put in the pipes–which can be even worse than tobacco.
what everyone says above is what is supposed to be the case
and usually is.
however, some people bring their own stuff
but yes, they are legal
and they dont care how old you are either!