Is everyone who is opposed to legalization of marijuana a conservative. There is an underlying question.?
I just asked this question and another at the same time about taxes and the national debt.
The marijuana question has already received 13 answers in a couple on minutes while the other question ” Is everyone who is opposed to raising taxes a conservative? received two answers.
Obviously this marijuana thing is a hot topic that gathers so much attention that people feel compelled to answer.
It seems that a very large percentage of answerers are in favor of legalization.
For those who might have pointed out that proposition 19 didn’t pass and California is supposedly mostly liberal state (It is a lot more conservative that people believe)everyone who talked about it seemed to agree that law was poorly written and should not pass , that a better law should be passed and not the one proposed in prop 19.
So the real question here is not about the drug marijuana but the plant cannabis.
There is a boot called “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” by Jack Herrer sp? which goes into some detail about all the things the plant that marijuana comes from can produce.
The underlying question > Are those who are against legalization of marijuana opposed to legalization for alternative reasons, that is to say apposed to the drug not because of the drug but because of the many other things that can be produced from the plant?
Are they against legalization because they profit more by keeping the drug illegal i.e. they are in the prison industry or a drug dealer < The underlying question
Where would you post this question for best results? Does it matter where it is posted? Does it matter when it is posted? i.e. if I posted it at midnight pacific time opposed four or five o:clock pacific time.
I doubt it – it was Brown that changed its legal status and put it back in the wrong category with far worse drugs. Further confirming what a plonker he was as PM.
I would say everyone opposed to marijuana legalization is a ‘conservative’ when it comes to marijuana legalization. There are conservatives (read: libertarians) that consider the criminalizing of the usage of marijuana and other drugs unnecessary government overreach. There are people who identify as liberals that believe in keeping marijuana outlawed. In terms of the “War on Drugs” debate, I think such overarching labels should be set aside in favor of discussing the real issues behind legalization and its effects on society.
There are some farmers that believe that marijuana stays illegal because hemp is such a versatile and useful plant that it would reduce the demand for other fibers (cotton, wool). Hemp is a non-psychotropic version of the marijuana plant that has many other uses besides making rope, lotions, clothing, hippie necklaces, etc.
There are also some growers in Humboldt county, California (a marijuana-growing powerhouse) that lobbied against the recent Prop 19 to legalize recreational weed in CA because they felt legalization would’ve undercut their profits, flooded the market with cheap weed, and destabilized their position as supplier to medicinal weed dispensaries, dealers, etc.
I’m a Conservative that thinks that we are wasting our money, time & energy on marijuana. I don’t care what people smoke as long as they don’t try to force me to accept their choices. Tax the he!! out of it put the proceeds on debt.
Do you understand , you are supporting al-queda ? They are the hand behind the drug lords.
Yep.. I can tell their are a lot of conservatives in California by the Mid Term election results. LOL. I’m conservative and believe that it is ok if people of age limits choose to imbibe in smoking. I just don’t like how it is obtained. Supporting Cartels and aiding in killings is not the thing to do. Grow it yourself, smoke it at home, and leave your home sober when driving. It is going to take some responsibility when using.
CONS -are against any-thing they don’t understand…so this is one of many Buzz-word issues…if it was paying taxes for them then…it’s OK…