What are the negatives about legalizing marijuana?
I am a conservative, but I suppose I could be considered a libertarian on this issue. When the government starts a prohibition on drugs, it strengthens drug running gangs and terrorist leaders worldwide.
Marijuana is much less harmless than meth, cocaine, or heroin. People who want to buy marijuana will buy it anyway, and they will buy it from shady people opposed to buying it from a safer source such as a pharmacy, if it were legalized.
it should be legal.
Not much. I’m fully in support of legalization of all drugs pending restrictions, of course.
I’ve seen what people act like and what they do while high on pot. I DO NOT want that to become more common place.
My only worry is public smoking. I already hate cigarette smoke and not interested in having even more smoke by marijuana around me. Other than that, I don’t see any problems
First negative, government officials from the President down lose a lot of easy cash. Go to prison for 12 years for asking such a question.
I agree. The negatives would be the same as any other unhealthy habit, which any kind of smoking is. Also, like any other kind of mind altering drug, laws against operating machinery under the influence would have to be enforced. But again, laws are already in place to handle this and employers have rights to enforce drug policies in the work place.
Imagine how much money we could save if non-violent drug offenders were not in prison or how much violent crime would drop of the drug trade went legit. I think it’s worth a shot. It’s not like we can’t change our minds.
“negatives”? Less tax dollars wasted on law enforcement, judges and prison time.
ALL drugs should be legal.
Freedom of Choice is an Amerian ideal.
It’ll be more expensive, but we could live with that.
I know we have spent way too much money on the war to prevent this. Marijuana is better than drunks driving around killing our kids
I absolutely agree with you. It’s much less harmful than alcohol, as well. It never should have been outlawed to begin with.
Its not good for you!! It IS a gateway drug. And all those pot heads that are going to disagree with me why don’t you just go roll another blunt and leave us alone. Yes, alcohol and tobacco are worse but that isn’t a rational argument for legalizing something else.
Now the amount of money we spend on enforcement of it is crazy. Penalties should be fines, not jail time. Except for those dealing and growing, them I’m fine with putting in jail.
I agree with you. Marijuana should be legal.
Good point. The only real negative that would hopefully only be short-term, would be in the enforcement of laws that prevented minors from buying it. If we could keep it out of the hands of high school students, we should.
People stealing Twinkies.
I would never want marijuana legalized………Everyone knows that pot is the gateway to trying more drugs………It would seem hypocritical to legalize pot when we tell our children “DON’T DO DRUGS”……JUST SAY NO!
I can see it now………dad has his medical stash of pot hidden in a shoe box in the closet……..his son finds it and becomes another future pot head……..go figure.
There are just wayyyyyyyy too many reasons to not make it legal………and yes I’ve even considered cancer patients………It would be like opening pandora’s box.
And the people who want the Marijuana legal are either young and niave or are pot heads themselves………I know I am offending some of you………Hopefully you will actually think more carefully about wanting such a thing to be legalized, instead of the cravings and wanting no jail time for using it.
for all you idiots out there who have no mind of your own and only believe what the government tells you…your the ones who need to go away and do some research before you challenge us “pot heads”. most of us pot heads (you wouldn’t automatically call someone who drinks an alcoholic) are hard working, tax paying, college students, parents, sick patients, and even religious people!
i smoke because it is a much safer in recreational enjoyment compared to alcohol, meth, cocaine, pills, etc… not only that but because it puts me into such a good sleep that i couldn’t achieve otherwise because my mind is constantly turning. i am a full time student working a full time job paying all my bills without any assistance from the government and i never have. if i thought for a second that marijuana was hurting my body or made me feel sick or any negative effect from it i would stop immediately. that is why i quit drinking and switched to marijuana. the thought has never even crossed my mind to try other drugs. i am happy with my herb and it gives me everything i could ask for in a plant. no nausea, no head aches, no hangover, no overdose, no stumbling around, no heart exploding, no puking, no problem with weed 🙂 but what it will make me laugh my bum off, relax so good, and sleep wonderfully. i wake up ready to hit the books and start another day at work.
there are also new studies out that say marijuana is linked to actually helping the brain and lungs. but i won’t tell you about them…your going to have to read it yourselves. i will put down the links.
what about people driving around under the influence of prescription drugs which are far worse than marijuana ever could be? the side effects of most prescription include: nausea, rash, depression, dizziness, headaches, swelling, and of course death. marijuana does nothing of the sorts but yet you continue to take more dangerous drugs that are prescribed to you by your doctor that could KILL you and you have a problem with weed??
i have personally found cupcakes more addicting than pot. when i need to quit for a month or longer (drug tests or plain and simply no money to splurge on it) all i do stop. i have upped and quit about 5 times already. one time for 4 months. i knew its what i had to do to get my good job and i had no problem putting the herb away. my love even quit with me and i quit with him when he needed. we always knew it was just temporary and we would enjoy it agian, in due time. but as for the cupcakes… i made my loves life hell until i had my cupcakes once. but never for marijuana
i could go on and on… i have done my research and i suggest you ignorant people do the same. don’t believe just what the government tell you. go try it yourself and see. or listen to us who have tried it and have been using it for years to tell you the truth. we know because we live it and we are living damn good
Coffee is much more dangerous than Marijuana.
Marijuana cures 3 kinds of cancer, keeps people with glaucoma from going blind, REGROWS NERVE CELLS , is a treatment for alziehmers.
The down side to legalization of marijuana is oil companies and pharmicical companies would lose a lot of money.
It is 5 time more efficient than Corn or Sugar in Making Ethanol. Henry Ford build the first car to run on ethanol from Hemp / marijuana.
It has over 5,000 industrial uses that replace crude oil in every one of them.
Marijuana is mentioned several times in the bible and its seeds are the most complete protien in the world. It can help end world hunger.
Making marijuana illegal is immoral and it is a unjust and unconstitutional law.
The constitution is written on marijuana paper and most of our founding fathers grew it and smoked it.
the government of the USA would like you to believe that it is a drug that leads to other drug use. The negatives would be to the government, they would lose all the money they confiscate, all the fines they impose, and all the property they confiscate. Other negatives would be that it is not good to smoke it, it can cause cancer. Second hand smoke is also dangerous. Other than that there is no reason why it should not be legalized. Alcohol is much worse and is addictive, pot is not addictive. Tobacco is also much worse, it is also addictive. If they legalize pot it could be regulated so that it is safe to use.