NORML on Prop 19: Vote YES to Marijuana Legalization
NORML Executive Director, Allen St. Pierre, and Founder/Legal Counsel Keith Stroup, Esq. explain why they support California’s Prop 19 and why you should as well.
NORML Executive Director, Allen St. Pierre, and Founder/Legal Counsel Keith Stroup, Esq. explain why they support California’s Prop 19 and why you should as well.
Medical Marijuana is advancing in Illinois. Check out the latest story from NY Times: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — The... Read More »
Kansas appeals court addresses medical marijuana issue for travelers March 15. By TONY RIZZO. The Kansas City Star.... Read More »
Foxborough Needs to Establish Medical Marijuana District Following AG's Ruling “Unless somebody can articulate something specific I think... Read More »
@MyUsername2668 if you are a grower making “giraffe money” would you want that to go away???
3 people are trolls
it didnt pass.
not supprised at all.
as far as the children are concerned ..our ancestors have used cannabis for over 10,000 years,and the children have turned into the same corrupt manipulating adults
that have always been…and always will…your delusionary concept of a perfect “drug free world” is just that…a delusion. lets throw more people in prison for your fantasy panacea.
@nickNLB anough of your bullshit rationalisations…your an asshole. you use little catch phrases like “under the influence” you equate cannabis use with “serial killing”I have news for you…the word DRUG is a manufactured word thats only a few centuries old..its a concept, technicaly its any thing that affects the processes of the mind or body. that could be too much pizza ..The word has been “demonised to mind- fuck the massive amount of human retards that you display yourself as a part of.
Simple math equation, lets just say Alcohol is hmm -10 and cigs is hmmm -8 and lets say marijuana is hmm -2 or say -1 lets add this up -10-8-1=-19 hmmmm what was it before legalization -10-8=-18 YOU ARE ADDING TO THE PROBLEM HAHA I AM 22 AND HAVE USED AND SEEN OTHERS USE, AND I’M TELLING YOU RIGHT NOW, UNDER THE INFLUENCE THEY WILL CONTINUE TO GO ON A DOWN. It’s a shame that manipulated minds listen to your bull, I suggest everyone go to the library and start reading about it ha.
People need to see the things they don’t want to see in order to make things better. Unfortunately under the influence of any drug will only show you the things you want to see. You are ridiculously sad. Yes you can get people out of jails, but you are going to ruin a bunch of kids lives. Quit fighting to legalize it and and spend more time banning Cigs and Alcohol.
Oh I forgot, you can’t. Because research says that MARIJUANA REDUCES PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS. AND YOU ARE SO SCREWED UP YOU CAN’T SEE THE REAL PROBLEM. HI I’M RALPH, i’M A SERIAL KILLER, I OCCASIONALLY KILL PEOPLE, AND THE LAST THING I THINK I AM IS A CRIMINAL. HAHA like I said dip shit. Go seek help. Life wasn’t meant to be easy or nice. Life is one big problem waiting to be solved. And doing it manipulated is only going to stir you in the wrong direction.
Haha “The last thing I think I am is a criminal.” Haha If enough people thought it was okay to kill people and enough people did it, you’re def. right they wouldn’t be a criminal hahahaha. Go seek a psychologist, you are screwed in the head. I want to know why you can’t live without marijuana? What does it do for you? And no I don’t think tobacco or alcohol is right either, thus is why I don’t use them. YES YOU ARE A CRIMINAL. DEAL WITH IT. HAHA SOLVE THE PROBLEM RATHER THEN BE PART OF IT.
If you look at numbers, hmmmmm Cigs and Alcohol are # 1 and # 2 for substance abuse. I wonder why…oh that is because they are available to the people. Great so that means Marijuana will just skyrocket up to #1 for sure because it is less harmful. Quit fighting to make it legal because your dumb ass doesn’t want to get busted while smoking. It obviously shows you how addicted you are if you’re willing to break a law haha. One question…Can our body survive without marijuana? Yes
Haha I saw your debate. And You made great points. BUT MARIJUANA WOULD JUST ADD TO THE PROBLEM NOT MAKE IT BETTER. IF YOU’RE SO AGAINST ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO THEN FIGHT TO BAN IT. “OH BUT LOOK WHAT HAPPENED DURING THE PROHIBITION!” HAHA IF THE SLAVES BACK IN THE 1800’S THOUGHT LIKE YOU DID THEY WOULD NOT BE FREE. To turn to a drug to help solve problems, uhhhh what is this world coming to. Not everyone is like you Allan, as we see with the economic crisis how stupid people really are ha.
This is a great moment of history after almost 3/4 of a century since Cannabis was made illegal.
California vote Yes on prop 19.
Stop the failed cannabis prohibition. Prohibition hurts people not cannabis.
Vote YES on Prop 19
Right on NORML, I’m with you.
All the hippies from the 60s feel like their lives werent wasted now !
The insurance companies don’t need your permission.
Your auto insurance is connected to your driver’s license and since they bribed the state to overturn proposition 103, your rates will go up…
good music
@SirWinstonChurchill I googled the auto insurance increase and couldn’t find anything that backs up your statement. Looks like you trying to spread disinformation.
@SirWinstonChurchill Oh ya? Where did your see or read that?
IF I AM OLD ENOUGH TO VOTE (if the democrats don’t steal my ballot in Chicago)
IF I AM OLD ENOUGH TO FIGHT A WAR (if the Democrats don’t fuck it up and steal my vote in Chicago)
IF I AM OLD ENOUGH TO PAY TAXES (if the Democrats don’t steal all my money)
This hypocrisy of Prop. 19 is FRAUD!
They are saying they will do this anyway…
This just makes it easier to find you…
@Melton1000 I’m having my morning coffee and the caffeine is kicking in. I guess you hate me. Really I’m guessing your joking because not many can come off so stupid.
@SirWinstonChurchill If it’s illegal, the DEA kicks in your door and shoots your dog.
1 .You buy your marijuana at a state sanctioned, state licensed, state approved retailer.
2. They scan your driver’s license.
3. Your auto insurance carrier sends you the bill for the new $500.00 a month liability rider. Your employer’s worker’s compensation liability policy requires new drug testing provisions. The sheriff is notified by the ATF your firearm permit is no longer within federal guidelines.
It is none of the government’s business!
1 .You buy your marijuana at a state sanctioned, state licensed, state approved retailer.
2. They scan your driver’s license.
3. Your auto insurance carrier sends you the bill for the new $500.00 a month liability rider. Your employer’s worker’s compensation liability policy requires new drug testing provisions. The sheriff is notified by the ATF your firearm permit is no longer within federal guidelines.
Sound easy, safe and efficient enough for you?
Goodbye privacy…
vote to regain our rights.
prohibition never works