What’s the healthiest way to smoke weed, blunts,joints,bongs, etc.?

And by healthy, I mean whats the best way to smoke weed without getting the risk o cancer. Like, what should I smoke out of, a blunt,joint, bong etcc.
I was wondering would I still get cancer if I smoked weed once, or twice a week? I try not to do it often, usually on Fridays because I don’t have school the next day, I only hit about 1-3 joints. It’s not a habit that I’m forming, it’s just something that I need to do to relieve stress out of my life. I’m only 16 and please don’t tell me not to do it because it ruins your life because it doesn’t. I’m getting pretty decent grades in school, I make the right decisions. I’m not a bad person, I just do it because it really does help me calm down and relax.
Okay, coming from someone your age, and shares your motive… and who’s prob been doing it a lot longer… there is no better way. They all will do the same damage
ummm if u smoke anything, ur risk of getting lung cancer is more than doubled! dont smoke, it will ruin ur life. get a life. there is no healthy way 2 smoke. sorry.
if ur going to smoke dope.. do it out of a bong. it filters better than any thing ells. i use tin can and im gonna die 😛 so dont use tin cans! lol. no but really thw bong is the best one to use. and if u want to have a portable pipe then buy the pipe that has water in it. my cuzin has that and it works great.
don’t listen to the first 2 answers.
Smoking once or twice a week wont harm you, especially from little joints That’s like, taking a puff from a cigarette once a year. I would say a bong is the healthiest way, that’s why they put ice on it.
smoke as much as you can theres no risk.